Newcomers and demo trading

Sep 26, 2017 at 14:46
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157 Replies
Membro Desde Apr 06, 2019   1 posts
Mar 28, 2020 at 03:19 (editado Mar 28, 2020 at 03:19)
Demo until you feel your system works but six months is a long time. Invest $50 dollar in a trading account and try to double it. Once it's blown, start another until you double it. If you can't change $50 to $100, then adding more money is just going to stress you out more. Starting with a small account allows you to work on your emotions but also gives you opportunity to control you losers, secure profit and control risk. At the end of the day, this is a business so becoming a professional is the end goal so the faster you put a little skin in the game you'll know if your in the right business.
Membro Desde Mar 23, 2020   63 posts
Mar 28, 2020 at 10:20
MP_89 posted:
Cizel89 posted:
Even I started with demo trading only. Its always better than to stake our money in the beginning itself.

how much time do you use demo acc? i think one month is enough to test my strategy with demo acc. what do you think?

Well I think it varies from person to person, some might excel it early, while others take time, depending on one's skills.
Membro Desde Jul 26, 2019   30 posts
Apr 08, 2020 at 18:13
Those people who do not believe in a demo account and its important are just looking for trouble. They cause their very own downfall. A demo account is a ver good training ground for those who are still trying to figure out how things work out on forex trading. There have been some speculations of a demo account not being the same as the real deal trading. Do you guys have any experince like this? Demo accounts make trading seem easy untill you go live then things are just so hard. Some traders complain about this. I need confirmation if it is true. Any ideas.
Membro Desde Oct 30, 2019   22 posts
Apr 08, 2020 at 18:19
Everything is always about beginners and demo accounts. The beginnersshould have knowmn this by now. Why would they be offered a demo account first before they go live. Anyone who skips the demo account has themself to blame. Only skip a demo account if you have switched to another plaftform which is not recommendable. You cannot just be a good trader without practice.
Membro Desde Apr 09, 2020   2 posts
Apr 09, 2020 at 09:56
Duzragore posted:
Are you being able to understand what is going on here? Demo is mainly for getting around the whole Forex system and maybe a bit more things to drive you into the life or real account anyway. So please make it possible when you will be free.

Membro Desde Apr 09, 2020   2 posts
Apr 09, 2020 at 14:38
It’s even funny to discuss on the topic How any trader would master trading platforms. Or checked out a new strategy. Only loss of account.
Membro Desde Aug 27, 2017   875 posts
Apr 22, 2020 at 16:18
Actually, the value depends on the traders approach. Many traders have been using the demo for a long time, but till now struggling; because they don’t know how to use this practice account at all.
keeping patience.......
Membro Desde Apr 01, 2020   227 posts
Jun 17, 2020 at 00:08
Before start real trading you can test your strategy and plan on demo trading. Always start practicing with demo and after practice of some time you can go to real trading.
Membro Desde Jul 10, 2019   10 posts
Jun 17, 2020 at 11:53
Demo first always. The micro account. There are so many mistakes that can be made trading. make them on a demo
Membro Desde May 15, 2020   18 posts
Jun 18, 2020 at 07:25
Mulberry posted:
Demo first always. The micro account. There are so many mistakes that can be made trading. make them on a demo

I agree with you. Demo trading is just perfect to test everything. There's nothing to loose there but one gains a lot.
Membro Desde Aug 09, 2017   598 posts
Jun 19, 2020 at 17:25
We can start Forex in a proper way, if we want to be a professional. Babypips School is the first choice of learning and besides this demo account must which is mainly considered the foremost place to acquire real basic knowledge which is very supportive to kick off a live account in a proper way.
Membro Desde May 21, 2020   5 posts
Jun 19, 2020 at 22:58
The only issue with demo trading and why all brokers offer BIG accounts t is they lull you into a false sense!
i treated my demo account like a live account and traded with the actual same amount i was going to deposit on a live account..
Whats the point of having a $10,000 or $25,000 demo accuont if you only have the funds to start with $500.etc.this is why most blow there small live accounts straight away as trading with a big demo account and using bigger lot sizes etc you get beginners luck and over confidence...Anyone can win with time on a big demo account as its mentally different , believe me there is no way you will trade your hard earned $500 or even $1000 like your big demo account ! .
BUT this is why brokers offer this so you get overconfident get some big lucky newbie wins on demo and then go WOW Forex is easy i am gonna kill it and then lay down your REAL money...but once you realise the wins etc cant be as big, you over reach and over leaverage to try and match what you did you your demo..Next min boom your $500 is blown and you go again! its all rigged against you so be careful people is what i say...
as someone said above better to leanr with a small live account!

Live and Die by the Sword !
Membro Desde May 13, 2020   119 posts
Jun 20, 2020 at 05:04
Perhaps in this way they want to show how this will work.
Membro Desde Dec 20, 2019   20 posts
Jun 24, 2020 at 16:27
Traditionally, many traders start with demo trading because it is a safer and more convenient way to learn how to trade from the inside.
But still, do not dwell on it too long, I think that the best option is a combination of demo and real trading, for a start with small amounts of course.
Membro Desde Oct 08, 2019   23 posts
Jun 26, 2020 at 06:28
lucasser posted:
When i started trading in forex the first thing i was advised by traders was use the demo account before you go live.

I would say the same to all the new comers to trade in demo for long period of time before going live so that you would know how the live trading works and what plans can be created to avoid loss.

Yes even suggest that to all beginners. Demo is one of the best ways to practice and test strategies, without staking funds.
Membro Desde Jun 24, 2020   31 posts
Jun 26, 2020 at 07:00
Smith88 posted:
lucasser posted:
When i started trading in forex the first thing i was advised by traders was use the demo account before you go live.

I would say the same to all the new comers to trade in demo for long period of time before going live so that you would know how the live trading works and what plans can be created to avoid loss.

Yes even suggest that to all beginners. Demo is one of the best ways to practice and test strategies, without staking funds.

Totally. That's the first and foremost step a beginner takes in the world of forex trading.
Membro Desde Jun 22, 2020   69 posts
Jun 26, 2020 at 07:28
Roberto21 posted:
Learning is the foremost ways to keep survive in this volatile trading place in a proper way. But sorry to say maximum traders who are particularly newcomers try to make money from here without learning. As a result they become loser when trading practically. It would be great if we choose the broker which always ensures best trading environment for learning this trading place by providing exclusive educational facilities.

Very true. Learning is just one of the best and most reliable way in understanding and performing forex trading.
Membro Desde Apr 25, 2020   115 posts
Jun 27, 2020 at 03:21
The demo account, of course, must be passed by newcomers to the new one, they must understand that it is also not worth staying there for long.
Membro Desde Jun 01, 2015   39 posts
Jun 29, 2020 at 22:07
First step for new comer is DEMO profitably atleast for 1 year
Work Hard Play Hard... Signal App(Google Play Store):
Membro Desde Jan 11, 2019   140 posts
Jul 01, 2020 at 07:22
I believe demo is only profitable if one takes it as serious as while trading on live account. You should have keep in mind the risk of losing money while trading on demo accounts as well.
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