colinlayerhồ sơ nhà giao dịch


Thông tin

Tên colinlayer

Tiểu sử:
I'm a 57 year old male who read on Yahoo news that various people were quitting their jobs within 90 days after trading in Binary options. I'm sure the likes of Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and Bono are unaware that they are endorsing such a product. Anyway I joined iTrader who rapidly built up equity to 17000 then lost it all within a couple of days. Any way I am hooked and still doing it.

Phong cách giao dịch:
I look at Babypips to get a calendar of events and market sentiment. I use Bollinger, Stochastics, MacD, RSI and sometimes the website's recommendations. The last one is more a confirmation and I certainly don't think candlestick patterns are anything to go by. They belong in the vaults of a an astrolger's labyrinth.

Phương châm:
Brave men run in our family.

Kinh nghiệm Dưới một năm

Vị trí

Người đảm bảo 0

Đã đăng ký Feb 28, 2017 at 19:27

Người dùng bị chặn 0

Hoạt động gần đây của colinlayer

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Biểu đồ

Hệ thống của colinlayer

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
Contest - colinlayer 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:100 Demo
Contest - colinlayer -91.54% 92.07% -892.7 - 1:100 Demo

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