Is math important for trading?

Dec 13, 2020 at 11:33
3,136 zobrazení
40 Replies
Členem od Aug 14, 2020   37 příspěvků
Sep 17, 2021 at 09:52
If you know basic, then it will work.
Členem od Mar 17, 2021   494 příspěvků
Sep 18, 2021 at 20:24
KenAdams posted:
If you know basic, then it will work.

Learning basic is very important. It helps a lot to make money from this market.
Členem od Apr 01, 2021   8 příspěvků
Sep 21, 2021 at 21:02
I do think that a trader should know math. I am not talking about high level calculus, but its fundamentals. First of all, math is all about logic and logic is a key to success.
Členem od Jun 14, 2021   51 příspěvků
Sep 22, 2021 at 06:23
A general level of mathematics is always needed in every aspect of our life, even in forex, so yea, it's pretty useful to know your numbers.
Členem od May 27, 2021   56 příspěvků
Sep 22, 2021 at 10:36
marindateal posted:
A general level of mathematics is always needed in every aspect of our life, even in forex, so yea, it's pretty useful to know your numbers.

I agree general maths would be enough but I think the most important is to have analytical skills.
Členem od Sep 14, 2021   8 příspěvků
Sep 22, 2021 at 11:56
You need at least high school level maths, ideally more. You need to be comfortable with number and number manipulation. Otherwise you cannot do risk management
Členem od Aug 17, 2021   87 příspěvků
Sep 25, 2021 at 17:05
Most new traders think their win rate is the most important math in their trading. It is not, you risk/reward ratio will determine your profitability more than a win rate. ... Capping your risk makes it easier to have a reward that is multiples of your potential risk. If you risk $100 to make $300 it is a 1:3 risk/reward.
Členem od Feb 08, 2019   56 příspěvků
Oct 17, 2021 at 16:19
UweMoench posted:
For being a good trader you do not need to be an expert in math. Basics knowledge of math will do the work. Learnt to read the market. Observe charts as much as possible. Do demo practice and apply what you are learning. Learn by doing experiments. Have a learning attitudes. You have to spend a lot of time in learning.

Hope not or I am a lost cause haha
Členem od Dec 18, 2019   14 příspěvků
Oct 20, 2021 at 16:43
Actually, basic knowledge in math of course is required in trading in order to calculate possible profit and possible losses. Moreover you have to calculate how much money from your deposit you should use for one deal. In my opinion, math is important in your life, not in trading. For trading you need just basic knowledge as I said. Nevertheless, if you like math and you're fond of learning math you can also try to calculate the possibility of your win or lose. However, these methods would better not be used, because it's so silly to calculate. You will just provide yourself with negative emotions in case of unpleasant consequences.
Členem od Jun 17, 2021   11 příspěvků
Oct 21, 2021 at 05:45
It depends on your approach to trading. If you employ algorithms or sophisticated quantitative models, then I'm sure you'd need to understand a lot of high-level math.

Whether you make money is another question. You could be very gifted at math and still blow up your account if you ignore the fundamental financial or economic factors in the markets and fail to manage risk appropriately.
Členem od Jul 03, 2021   17 příspěvků
Oct 21, 2021 at 06:12
yeah its important in terms of financial factors
Členem od Oct 19, 2021   17 příspěvků
Oct 21, 2021 at 08:02
Basic maths is definitely required.
Členem od Jun 16, 2020   57 příspěvků
Oct 27, 2021 at 04:16
Yes, forex demands trades to be good with mathematical skills. However, it doesn’t mean you require knowledge of advanced maths. Knowledge of percentages is essential.

There are mathematical formulas traders need to be well equipped in handling, such as how to calculate leverage, pips, profits, and margins. Knowledge of descriptive statistics and probability is necessary too.
Členem od Mar 26, 2021   9 příspěvků
Dec 17, 2021 at 19:59
The question of math in trading is pretty arguable, but, as for me, I do really think that it is better to know math rather than not to know it.
Surely, it is not a must, but, from my perspective, it can give you some advantages especially in comparison with other traders. It is a good habit for trading to be able to calculate and treat numbers with the cold heart. This will definetely help you avoid being overemotional while trading. Learning math will change your mindset and you will see some logical conclusions very vividle and fast. So, I do strongly recommend everyone to learn maths despite the fact that it has no direct influence on trading results.
Členem od Mar 17, 2021   494 příspěvků
Dec 19, 2021 at 19:38
croisssan posted:
Trading is essentially working with numbers. Do you think math is important? :)

I think math is very essential to calculate the profit and losses.
Členem od Dec 14, 2021   28 příspěvků
Dec 21, 2021 at 05:48
A basic knowledge of maths is all that you need to trade properly. You don’t have to learn deep mathematical concepts. It is even said that the maths you’ve learnt in junior high is enough for trading.
Členem od Jun 07, 2021   70 příspěvků
Dec 22, 2021 at 05:05
Yes, you need to have a basic math knowledge to become a good trader. The knowledge concepts like statistical math, percentages, probability, and correction are important. Math knowledge can reduce risk in forex, especially when you know how to apply it in position sizing.
Členem od Dec 14, 2021   46 příspěvků
Dec 22, 2021 at 05:44
Trading does include maths but in this maths a person does not need to be the top of class in the subject. You just need to have enough knowledge to use a calculator. Some trading platforms do most of the calculations for you but still sometimes you need to calculate how much you would like to invest or what risk you can bear.
Členem od May 19, 2020   321 příspěvků
Dec 22, 2021 at 13:11
Mathematical knowledge will help you better understand the principle of the indicators. Basic calculations of the trading plan will be made easier and faster. So this knowledge will only benefit your trading.
Členem od Sep 18, 2020   15 příspěvků
Dec 23, 2021 at 19:49
I do think that math will be useful in trading. Especially, I am talking about the theory of probabilities. Trading is always about probabilities because it is never possible to say that this or that even will definetely happen. There are always chances that everything might go against your plans and your perceptions. That is why it is significant to know and calculate risks and math expectancy in order to realise how much money you are ready to risk in this or that particular situation.
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