Poland Industrial Production YoY
To quantify how much money is made by enterprises that are a part of the industrial sector of the economy, industrial production is used in Poland. Accounting for 86% of overall production the manufacturing sector is the most important. Manufacturers' largest segments include food products (16% of total production), motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers (10%), metal products (7%), rubber and plastic products (6%), electrical equipment (5%), coke and refined petroleum products (5%), chemicals and chemical products (4%), other nonmetallic mineral products (4%), and basic metals (4%). 8% of total output goes to energy, gas, and steam supply, 3% accounts for mining and quarrying, and 2% accounts for water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation operations.
Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro PLN apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro PLN.