To quantify how much money is made by enterprises that are a part of the industrial sector of the economy, industrial production is used in Poland. Accounting for 86% of overall production the manufacturing sector is the most important.  Manufacturers' largest segments include food products (16% of total production), motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers (10%), metal products (7%), rubber and plastic products (6%), electrical equipment (5%), coke and refined petroleum products (5%), chemicals and chemical products (4%), other nonmetallic mineral products (4%), and basic metals (4%). 8% of total output goes to energy, gas, and steam supply, 3% accounts for mining and quarrying, and 2% accounts for water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation operations.

A higher than expected figure should be seen as positive (bullish) for the PLN while a lower than expected figure should be seen as negative (bearish) for the PLN.

Category:  Industrial Production
Units:  Percent
Impact: Low
Currency: PLN
Latest Release
Previous: -0.4%
Consensus: 1.8%
Actual: 4.7%
Next Release
Date: Dec 19, 09:00
Time left: 7 days

Forex Sentiment (PLN)

Symbol Community Trend (Shorts vs Longs) Symbol Popularity Avg. Short Price /
Distance From Price
Avg. Long Price /
Distance From Price
Current Price
+130 pips
-329 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
EURPLN Short 8% 0.22 lots 9
Long 92% 2.71 lots 19
0% of traders are currently trading EURPLN.
-515 pips
+361 pips
Symbol Action Percentage Volume Positions
USDPLN Short 86% 0.75 lots 12
Long 14% 0.12 lots 8
0% of traders are currently trading USDPLN.