AUDSGD Exchange Rate


dólar australiano frente a dólar singapurense Exchange Rate (AUD to SGD)

+0.09% +8.1 pips
Bid/Ask: 0.87579/0.87498
Intervalo cotidiano: 0.87290 - 0.87663
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RBA and MAS Interest Rates

Australia Reserve Bank of Australia 4.35% 4.35% 18 días
Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore 3.42% 3.53% -

Latest AUDSGD News

Singapore Keeps Monetary Policy Unchanged On Inflation Concerns; GDP Growth Disappoints

Singapore Keeps Monetary Policy Unchanged On Inflation Concerns; GDP Growth Disappoints

Singapore central bank left its monetary policy stance unchanged as core inflation is projected to stay elevated in the immediate quarters ahead, while the economy logged a weaker-than-expected growth on softer manufacturing and construction activity. The Monetary Authority of Singapore decided to retain the prevailing rate of appreciation of the S$NEER policy band.
RTTNews | hace 5
Australia Business Conditions Edges Down, Confidence Rises - NAB

Australia Business Conditions Edges Down, Confidence Rises - NAB

Australia's business conditions edged down one point in March, while confidence gained a point and cost pressures softened further, survey results from NAB showed on Tuesday. The business conditions index fell to 9 in March from 10 in the previous month. Meanwhile, the business confidence indicator rose to 1 from zero in February.
RTTNews | hace 9
Australia Retail Sales Rise 0.3% In February

Australia Retail Sales Rise 0.3% In February

The total value of retail sales in Australia was up a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent on month in February, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said on Friday - coming in at A$35.869 billion.
RTTNews | hace 13

AUDSGD Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis AUDSGD - Datos históricos AUDSGD seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad AUDSGD - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real AUDSGD.

Correlación AUDSGD - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real AUDSGD.

Indicadores AUDSGD - AUDSGD indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos AUDSGD - AUDSGD modelos de precios en tiempo real.