Is the Forex Market Mathematically Controlled?‏

Feb 07, 2015 at 11:00
Vues 1,022
18 Replies
Membre depuis May 04, 2011   posts 18
Feb 07, 2015 at 11:00
I have received email in this regard with this question , is it mathematically controlled by the market makers is the question,

'For whatever reason, many traders believe the market is controlled to ensure that they lose. These traders believe that the market makers are specifically looking at their account and driving the market in the opposite direction. Have you ever thought that? Did you watch yourself place a SELL trade, and then the market completely does the opposite and knocks you out of the trade? '

I don't believe that it is, but some times in low volumes it could be possible ?? I am sure that we all experience this as stated here in the email and good topic for discussion, I have my thoughts about it and will share it in this discussion on how to beat it and be profitable , like everything you need a starting point and that starting point seems to be a problem for lot of traders ,

I will share some of my strategies which are simple but effective , but first lets get this question in the open , I would like to hear from you traders on your thoughts on this subject 😐

Membre depuis Dec 12, 2014   posts 110
Feb 07, 2015 at 12:50
bako45 posted:
I have received email in this regard with this question , is it mathematically controlled by the market makers is the question,

'For whatever reason, many traders believe the market is controlled to ensure that they lose. These traders believe that the market makers are specifically looking at their account and driving the market in the opposite direction. Have you ever thought that? Did you watch yourself place a SELL trade, and then the market completely does the opposite and knocks you out of the trade? '

I don't believe that it is, but some times in low volumes it could be possible ?? I am sure that we all experience this as stated here in the email and good topic for discussion, I have my thoughts about it and will share it in this discussion on how to beat it and be profitable , like everything you need a starting point and that starting point seems to be a problem for lot of traders ,

I will share some of my strategies which are simple but effective , but first lets get this question in the open , I would like to hear from you traders on your thoughts on this subject 😐

This is a complex question.

Market makers do not hunt for single traders, but often times the trader is part of the herd.
Actions of single trader cannot be predicted but herd behaviour remains the same and is predictable.
They see both side of the markets and specific algorithms are able to mark the price up/down if the movement pays of.
Its not betting for them. Its simple math.

retail traders are insignificant part of the herd, biggest part of the herd are actually fund managers / bank traders that are paid no matter what and its only a job for them.
In any occasion, market makers do not fight the crowd, they just take advantage of it.

And they have many tricks in the book.

Idea that someone is hunting for your silly stop loss is just ridiculous if you do not trade with some bucket shop broker.


Get investors and get paid 15 percent of theyr profits. More on my website.
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2012   posts 285
Feb 07, 2015 at 13:57
All regulated markets a controlled up-to an extent.
Membre depuis Jan 24, 2015   posts 24
Feb 08, 2015 at 07:14

The number of traders and brokers are so big that its impossible to control everyone and everything. So even if you put a short order your broker cant put something opposite hoping to win from you as on the other site you have million of open trading account.s
Low Leverage, long term trades, stay safe...
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2014   posts 35
Feb 08, 2015 at 07:25
First you need to see how P/L works.. Who pays who?

Its about money, try to see it this way.. read below:

If you made money, remember that came from someone's loss. The Exchange (Comex/Globex) won't pay you from its pocket. So how does it work? Price Action will hit SLs all the time to pay people who are making money.

Negative floating loss would be used too, to pay people making money.
Membre depuis Aug 30, 2012   posts 104
Feb 13, 2015 at 17:07
Yes, its Mathematically Controlled. but there is more to it, the math follows a part of science called quantum theory, most traders will not bother trying to understand quantum mechanics or real Artificial intelligence "NO basic metatrader EA's do not count"but you might want to look up double slit test, and you might see where we are going with this comment. does not matter if your really long or short in the quantum world. im posting a link about it from a reputable source and good explanation. there is a lot to price movements a majority of traders are not ready to accept.

Membre depuis Feb 06, 2015   posts 2
Feb 16, 2015 at 13:16
Could you please be more specific about this that you are trying to point out ?
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4862
Feb 16, 2015 at 15:55
bako45 posted:
I have received email in this regard with this question , is it mathematically controlled by the market makers is the question,

'For whatever reason, many traders believe the market is controlled to ensure that they lose. These traders believe that the market makers are specifically looking at their account and driving the market in the opposite direction. Have you ever thought that? Did you watch yourself place a SELL trade, and then the market completely does the opposite and knocks you out of the trade? '

I don't believe that it is, but some times in low volumes it could be possible ?? I am sure that we all experience this as stated here in the email and good topic for discussion, I have my thoughts about it and will share it in this discussion on how to beat it and be profitable , like everything you need a starting point and that starting point seems to be a problem for lot of traders ,

I will share some of my strategies which are simple but effective , but first lets get this question in the open , I would like to hear from you traders on your thoughts on this subject 😐

Forex brokers do not need to control the market. They can send spike that does not to your account causing your position hit stop loss.
This apply for market makers.

True NDD, STP, ECN broker has no need to do so.
Membre depuis Aug 07, 2014   posts 406
Feb 18, 2015 at 07:45
As blownaccount mentioned Maths is definitely a big part of the market. A clear sign is being that the market is fractal. The very same formation you see on the D1 you see on the 1m.
Membre depuis Dec 12, 2014   posts 110
Feb 18, 2015 at 09:20
Cholipop posted:
 As blownaccount mentioned Maths is definitely a big part of the market. A clear sign is being that the market is fractal. The very same formation you see on the D1 you see on the 1m.

Yes if you give someone screenshots from different timeframes, of lets say100 closed candles, he has minimal chance to mark them correctly. I had a debate with bob, that believes that historical price range should be there for always (some sort of balance). I argued that looking at monthly timeframe, is like looking at 5 timeframe for last day and assuming that price will never move outside those ranges.

Market is definetely great example of fractal geometry in real life.
Get investors and get paid 15 percent of theyr profits. More on my website.
Membre depuis Jan 19, 2015   posts 206
Feb 18, 2015 at 14:42
it can be controlled mathemathically if u dont trade during high volatile markets data or trade with long term views such as a year or something
Greed and Non acceptance are the biggest enemies
Membre depuis Oct 11, 2013   posts 775
Mar 09, 2015 at 12:25
There could be intervention in the Forex markets, even central banks do it when the price of a currency is not at the levels they desire, but at the end, the market is so big that the price will go back to the levels that the public feels it should be. That is why long term trading is safer than scalping or day trading. A market maker will take the opposite side of your trade and they make money simply, because 95% of traders are losing money. So it is common sense that if you do all the opposite that those 95% are doing, you are going to come out winning.
Membre depuis Jun 28, 2011   posts 465
Mar 10, 2015 at 01:19
Yes Alexforex, it goes back to what is normal for that pair. I can't quite wrap my brain around fractal forex, but when Maverick pulled those fractal trucks out of his bag of tricks, well I just can't argue with that. However, we were talking about the concepts of limits which he mentioned above. I had promised on that other thread that I would upload the first three chapters and the first video that went with it when I got it back from the editor. So if you would like to take a look at another way of trading, maybe to help diversify your portfolio, you can read those chapters that cover the fundamentals of the market in a way most never heard of.,1

Yes, I do want to know what you think, the good, bad and ugly. Even Cholipop is welcome to speak his mind, I'll listen. Thanks.

where research touches lives.
Membre depuis Sep 09, 2014   posts 65
Mar 11, 2015 at 03:41
There are a lot of strategies based on MartinGale. One of them is Ilan. It can make a lot of money to you when you use it during horizontal trend
There can't be enough money
Membre depuis May 04, 2011   posts 18
Mar 11, 2015 at 07:43
Yes there are , I have built some classic EA`s using it that doze both sides of the market , when the trend changes I can switch one side of and just run the one with the trend , but one must pay attention to longer term trends , it is automated but when the trend changes , you need to manually switch the against the trend off, I need some help with programming to make that part automatic the it can be a game changer, this would be necessary to keep the drawdown to minimum , it has the ability to build positive balance for most of the time as I sad , in case of major move when one side is switched of the side I the direction of the trend will still build positive balance , if there are good programmers here that can help I would like to hear from you , it doesn't need much work, but if I can get it done would be happy to share it ..

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jun 28, 2011   posts 465
Mar 11, 2015 at 09:08
With a straight line like you have attached, you don't need a martingale. That line is not indicative of a martingale curve as there are no dips to indicate a loss that a martingale would recover from. Most likely a grid system, there aren't too many things that can give that level of consistency.
where research touches lives.
Membre depuis May 04, 2011   posts 18
Mar 11, 2015 at 15:53
Hi Bob,

It is a martingale , as I mentioned it is designed to build positive trades , even as is great but it is only good for 600-700 if it doesn't close at that level you start to get big drawdown and it could go against you , example GBP/USD when it started to go short , in the last 7 months if left on both sides you would see big spike and probably be done and out , this doesn't happen often but it happens as you can see, but I must say I have work hard to make it to this stage , the way I arrange the trades is totally out of the box this is why I get this results , anything over 700 pips without reversal will be a problem , this is way it would be better to change to one direction when trend changes , that way it would be more profitable , more safe , and hardly any drawdown , as I sad just one more fix , the it is game changer , so common programmers, lets get to work ....
Membre depuis Mar 08, 2011   posts 90
Mar 11, 2015 at 19:17
Of course Forex is controlled and necessarily so, to the most part of simple traders received the loss. Experienced win.
The strategy gives a 15% profit per month.
Membre depuis Jan 24, 2015   posts 3
Mar 13, 2015 at 11:52
Use the given tools no one else will teach you about.
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