Bitcoin(BTC): Candles Are Not Looking Good!

Mar 25 at 09:55
Vues 270
4 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2022   posts 165
Mar 25 at 09:55
Hey fellow traders,

As we step into the final week of the month, all eyes are on Bitcoin's recent movements, especially around the newly breached All-Time High (ATH) zone.

It's undeniable that we're witnessing some concerning signs near this pivotal area. Over the past three weeks, the candles have painted a rather bleak picture, with each successive week seeing a decline. Last week particularly stood out as we witnessed the re-test breaking and the candle closing in the red.

Now, as we enter this week, it's fair to say that this could be a make-or-break moment for many of us in the trading community.

If Bitcoin fails to hold above the breached zone this time around, it's highly likely that we'll witness a significant downward movement. This could entail a reclaiming of all the Former Value Gap (FVG) zones at lower levels, potentially setting off a scenario akin to a 'free fall.'

The stakes are high, and the next few days will be crucial in determining the direction of Bitcoin's trajectory.

💬 Drop your thoughts and insights below. What's your take on Bitcoin's current candle movements?

Let's keep the discussion going and navigate these uncertain waters together.

Happy trading!

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Feb 19, 2024   posts 9
Mar 25 at 14:04
I'm hoping for a deep retracement so that I can buy more BTC. price is too high now
Membre depuis May 08, 2023   posts 75
Apr 07 at 20:25
Fingers crossed it will start dropping soon.
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2022   posts 61
Apr 30 at 12:25
All crypt follows Bitcoin downwards. When will the news start to grow??
Membre depuis Apr 08, 2024   posts 46
May 01 at 08:32
I think next 3 or 4 month will be a bear market.
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