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- Steinitz Fractal Breakout
Steinitz Fractal Breakout (de steinitz)
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Discussion Steinitz Fractal Breakout
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Feb 03, 2012 at 13:15
Membre depuis Oct 05, 2011
posts 22
Micheldutogo posted:
Not impressed since 1.00 lot/trade with multiple simultaneous trades for $10000 is called mismoneymanagement.
Not true. There is more then meets the eye then a blanket statement like yours. If I have a 90% win rate with a average pip win that is high enough you can trade 50% of your account. It all depends on win rate + margin available + average pip won + average standard deviation. If these numbers are inline you can trade 50% indefinately....
Feb 04, 2012 at 11:34
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 1
Glad to know its still the same fractal breakout indicator. I'm looking forward to learning the new way to trade it. Like i said, i only make a third of my capital every month using the combination stenitz fractal breakout indicator and the fractal divergence. I cherry pick the signal it produce, as much as possible, the signal must be very close to the 50MA. I guess i shouldn't be complaining about the result but i think it's always nice to strive for the better.
Feb 04, 2012 at 12:27
Membre depuis Oct 05, 2011
posts 22
I'm glad to hear that you have perfected the fractal custom indicator. Good job on paying attention to the rules. Nothing wrong with what you're doing of course but I have drastically improved the method and will tutor serious people on a one-on-one basis to give you the new revisions. My session will last up to 2 hours and it's $500. No doubt with your skill you make that back real soon.
If you're interested let me know by e-mail: [email protected]
my PayPal ID = [email protected]
If you're interested let me know by e-mail: [email protected]
my PayPal ID = [email protected]
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
Feb 07, 2012 at 11:19
Membre depuis Oct 05, 2011
posts 22
My drawdown from the original deposit is totally irrelevant. Let's say I started with $10,000 and now I'm at $200,000 am currently down $10,000 in open trades. Does that mean that I'm wiped out? Certainly not. My current drawdown is 17%
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
Feb 07, 2012 at 12:41
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
Hi Steinitz,
I think you misunderstood what I was asking.
I was not indicating that you were about to be wiped out.
My concern was why this trade was being allowed to sit in draw down for so long. Maybe as the others went to TP so quickly the stops on trades were not obvious.
What risk is being taken per trade I guess is what I was trying to get at.
I.e. currently you are 17% down on this one trade (maybe it is now more then 1 trade), yet when it was opened your balance was not as it is now, so based on when it was opened the draw down I think would be more like 23%.
My question is what kind of stops are being used per trade i.e. 30% equity.
Sorry for the confusion on my last post, hopefully this is clearer now.
I think you misunderstood what I was asking.
I was not indicating that you were about to be wiped out.
My concern was why this trade was being allowed to sit in draw down for so long. Maybe as the others went to TP so quickly the stops on trades were not obvious.
What risk is being taken per trade I guess is what I was trying to get at.
I.e. currently you are 17% down on this one trade (maybe it is now more then 1 trade), yet when it was opened your balance was not as it is now, so based on when it was opened the draw down I think would be more like 23%.
My question is what kind of stops are being used per trade i.e. 30% equity.
Sorry for the confusion on my last post, hopefully this is clearer now.
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
Feb 07, 2012 at 19:08
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2011
posts 60
It would be helpful if you gave some indication as to what kind of stops are being used (without giving away the whole strategy).. In all honesty the initial performance was great, however it seems the strategy is hold and hope..
Draw down is now 30% of current balance..
As much as the wins look good, I would be hesitant to spend $500, without further knowledge on what I am learning..
Considering the current draw down we are seeing.
Draw down is now 30% of current balance..
As much as the wins look good, I would be hesitant to spend $500, without further knowledge on what I am learning..
Considering the current draw down we are seeing.
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Feb 08, 2012 at 07:18
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Why anyone would spend $500 in order to find out your stop loss? I agree that it is a hold and hope strategy. The results look good only for newbies. If you are a veteran trader, you know it is a trick to get people to pay you for a high risk system that will blow your account at some point.
Feb 08, 2012 at 07:30
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010
posts 8
Probably because this is a demo account. Attention is naturally bit low on demo. It's a virtual money for god sake. I know the system well. Try trading it on a real account with use of the normal close on loss rules, steinitz. Show them what the system are made of.
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Feb 08, 2012 at 08:13
(édité Feb 08, 2012 at 08:14)
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010
posts 8
He didn't use the standard rules for exits trading this demo acc.
By right, if he was to follow the rules, he would have even tripled the account in 1 week. Safely without big floats.
Don't underestimate the steinitz.
By right, if he was to follow the rules, he would have even tripled the account in 1 week. Safely without big floats.
Don't underestimate the steinitz.
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Feb 08, 2012 at 09:08
(édité Feb 08, 2012 at 09:18)
Membre depuis Feb 01, 2012
posts 15
Steinitz, do yu understand that people use their hard earned money to get your systems? The worst thing is that you are killing their hopes by selling craps. You might be making money by selling not trading but you are scamming straight to hell (what goes around, comes around!). Your greed is getting worse. You know what, life is not so easy, the downfall is around the corner for greedy people.

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