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Live Forex Trading User Reviews
Membre depuis Mar 06, 2016   posts 12
Mar 06, 2016 at 12:33
using this service for one month and DD 30% is too big for me
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2011   posts 86
Jan 06, 2014 at 06:37
LifestyleGroupTh posted:

Well a very strange situation indeed.

Bradator just so happened to get involved in an inquiry that was made confusing by the very unusual coincidences

His account and the pipsopolis account both had custom start dates, were in total time drawdown of around 98%, both systems were related to the same company, and both of the systems were some of the highest posted gainers !

I apologize for the stress and how this inquiry could be couterproducitve. I do hope it shows others that you are willing to answer the tough questions and support even during difficult situations.

I will be referring customers and traders to you. I am glad to find people with a commitment to honesty and clarity.

Hi Lifestyle,

I'm glad to hear that you now understand that there is no link between Bradator and LiveForexTrading. I did explain this to you in my last message and you have since posted another 4 messages essentially attacking the integrity of our site.

Nevertheless, apology accepted :)

I look forward to hopefully hearing from you regarding your search for profitable traders.

Best regards


Find your passion and work hard
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 05, 2014 at 19:53

Well a very strange situation indeed.

Bradator just so happened to get involved in an inquiry that was made confusing by the very unusual coincidences

His account and the pipsopolis account both had custom start dates, were in total time drawdown of around 98%, both systems were related to the same company, and both of the systems were some of the highest posted gainers !

I apologize for the stress and how this inquiry could be couterproducitve. I do hope it shows others that you are willing to answer the tough questions and support even during difficult situations.

I will be referring customers and traders to you. I am glad to find people with a commitment to honesty and clarity.
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2013   posts 5
Jan 05, 2014 at 07:52
Ok, I simply don't get the connection you've made between me and pipsopolis. Click on my name and have a look at my accounts. Admiral demo account is the first one I ever opened (as I said before) and blew it two times over (I also said that). I then deposited another 5k there and started trading in a different way and made profit. No matter how much I tried, I can't find any links to my account or any similarity between my and pipsopolis results. The only connection is that we both have custom start dates around beginning of october.

Pipsopolis and me are not the same person! In fact, we never actually spoke to each other. And I never claimed to have traded his accounts. My accounts are linked to my name and no other.

If I click on link for pipsopolis master account posted on your screenshot A I get this -

And if I click on followers account I get Nick's account copying pipsopolis trades -

Now, where on earth did you find a link to my demo? Every screenshot you posted up here was about pipsopolis and nick's accounts, so how does that concern me? Nick follows each and every trader advertised on site to provide follower's results. Any issues you have with Nick, deal with him, but leave me out of it. I have nothing to do with signals on his site!

I can't emphasize enough that I'm a rookie and I'm not giving neither am I following any signals. I never stated on any site or any forum differently.

I also encourage anyone to take a look at my accounts and find the connection. Or if I am a 'fictitious lying spam poster' how would you explain my demo account gaining such profit and my only live account 10% down?! - It's because I don't have nerves of steel and many times chicken out with small loss only to see later on that it would make profit. Now that kind of trading I don't use on demo cause I don't care if I blow it (again) and so I usually leave floating loss for days. When I trade with my own cash I tend to get a little nervous doing that and make mistakes closing trades with small loss too early. That's all part of being a rookie and learning and I accept that.

If I ever start earning big bucks like on demo I would still never provide signals because I don't like being held responsible for other people's money in the same way as I wouldn't like to put my money in someone else's hands based on few months lucky gain.
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 04, 2014 at 14:01
I am going to document this with screenshots so it is useful to others wanting clear results and honest reporting.

1. Nick acknowledges that Bradator is a trading member of his site, but he claims that he does not sell signals.
   - Bradator claims that the chart seen with the custom chart date and posted on the pipsopolis webpages and My FX Book is his chart that he traded.
' you were thrashing this site because of my track record'
' I've set custom start date from when I changed my strategy to keep track of my progress more easily.'

-this chart with the custom start date is advertised on the website as the true results of the pipsopolis system as seen in screenshot A,B, and C. Also the master account links to the custom start date MY FX Book page.

So the first point is that if Bradator the rookie is not a fictitious lying spam poster, his account is being used to represent the results of the pipsopolis system, maybe because they look more impressive than Nicks (the pro trader) results.

2. Now about those results of Bradator. As mentioned the total true time account balance is at a loss of 97%.
  -If Nick is claiming to be the real pro trader behind the signals, his chart is here.
  - Nick starts trading in Jan 2013
   - screenshot D is of the custom start date MY FX Book chart results for 2013,it looks very much like Nick's MY FX Book chart

My point here is that the total results of the impressive custom time period chart of 133% only 42% of it was made in 2013 when Nick had anything to do with this system. Also Bradator, if he did trade this chart as claimed-

'I'm not embarassed to say I'm rookie because in few months that I've been here' -note few months

An obvious conclusion to me is that most of the gains for the custom period chart that Bradator claims to have traded occurred before Nick the professional had anything to do with this chart.

Or another angle is why do we have Nick the professional copying trades from a rookie that is supposed to not offer signals?

So in conclusion we have some very confusing or just plain deceptive posters that are agreed members of this signal service, advertising results that are claimed to originate from a very confused, just plain lying member, or the true rookie trader.

Either way it is all about a chart that is trading a thousand dollar account basically, not the kind of account size that I take seriously, and Bradator claimes also

'in few months that I've been here I never followed any signals, and never copied any trades'

So for any traders trying to figure out if this is a transparent and honest site, maybe you can figure this all out and decide if you want to trust your financial future with these guys.

Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 04, 2014 at 13:57
Maybe you do not know but you also have Bradators chart link posted as the master traders link (along with his chart shown on the top of the sales page)

Nicks much worse performing chart is posted as the followers hyper link

Sorry if you cant get your website and story straight, real money is far too much for me to recommend you for.
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 04, 2014 at 13:57
hello, yes I am member of your site and have previously logged in and checked out all of your charts including Nicks traded account FX Viper . Your performance was referenced as follows

' All of the records are less than a year old, a few of the accounts have heavy drawdowns up to 26%.'

Actually I was being generous, your traded account was down 28.9 % wiping out all profits in drawdown, and is only 7 months old.

So it seems mysterious to me that Bradator claims to be the trader responsible for the Pipsollis charts, and contradicts what you say about that system and how it had evolved.

If I login to your website here,
the exact same chart that Bradator the rookie claims that he traded, along with the offer to follow his signals and a 2 week free trial are offered.

So there is something very contradictory and misleading going on, and when it comes to choosing a signal service, I think I am done reviewing yours.

Membre depuis Oct 27, 2011   posts 86
Jan 03, 2014 at 12:51
LifestyleGroupTh posted:
My reply to Nick the guy claiming

" is an honest and transparent signal service."
It seems deceptive to me to post on your website that the pipsopolis My FX Book recorded trades, represents the signal service results. It makes me wonder about the other named system pages.
   Honest and transparent would have a disclaimer clearly saying-
"Some of the following account records have nothing to do with the signal service named. In fact they may be run by beginners making up their own trading styles, with overalll losing accounts.
If you are looking for a record of actual signal trades, you may need to go on a public forum and request them, because we have not offered them or they are not worth posting"

I did not ask for
"Here are the Myfxbook accounts for all the traders on our site:"
I asked for results of the signal service trades, not a handfull of your selected traders, omitting the rest of the losers.
  So why the honest review of your presentation? I manage a brokerage and am looking for a service to recommend. It is my job to sort through the deception and see that new traders do not lose money to the foolishness out there.

Hi Lifestyle,

You are not making any sense.

1) Bradator is a regular member of our site, he trades his own account and has NOTHING to do with selling signals on LiveForexTrading.

2) Your claim that some of our signal providers are making up strategies and trading on a demo account is completely false. Every page with signal information has at least 2 verified myfxbook links attached to it. Here is an example of one of the pages (I don't think you've visited this, otherwise you wouldn't be making these statements)

3) I posted the myfxbook links to show you that there was only 1 provider that used an old account with a custom date history, I provided a feasible reason why the custom date was used. If you look at the Pipsoplis statement you'll notice there was almost no trading for the 6 months before the custom start date began so why is that old history relevant?

If you would like to discuss working with us and learning more about our signals with a view to using them on an institutional level please email me at nick (at) We have a number of similar clients in a the same boat.



Find your passion and work hard
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 02, 2014 at 21:59
My reply to Nick the guy claiming

' is an honest and transparent signal service.'
It seems deceptive to me to post on your website that the pipsopolis My FX Book recorded trades, represents the signal service results. It makes me wonder about the other named system pages.
   Honest and transparent would have a disclaimer clearly saying-
'Some of the following account records have nothing to do with the signal service named. In fact they may be run by beginners making up their own trading styles, with overalll losing accounts.
If you are looking for a record of actual signal trades, you may need to go on a public forum and request them, because we have not offered them or they are not worth posting'

I did not ask for
'Here are the Myfxbook accounts for all the traders on our site:'
I asked for results of the signal service trades, not a handfull of your selected traders, omitting the rest of the losers.
  So why the honest review of your presentation? I manage a brokerage and am looking for a service to recommend. It is my job to sort through the deception and see that new traders do not lose money to the foolishness out there.
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 02, 2014 at 21:56
I have visited the site and logged in. I was searching for the real trading history and accuracy of their signals. They posted your account like it represents their actual signals. Now you are telling me that
' I'm not embarassed to say I'm rookie because in few months that I've been here I never followed any signals, and never copied any trades '

So your FX book means nothing about their trading signals, and you are somebody that wants to pay $70 a month or whatever to learn from a signal service, not a school. If you want links to free education sites or free EA's that will make you more than your losing period since April 2013, I can gladly help you.
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2013   posts 5
Jan 02, 2014 at 12:10
I'm sorry, but you were thrashing this site because of my track record. That's simply not fair to me and not fair to many people already following their signals. You should check the site you're talking about and get familiar with results before leaving such negative comments based on 'some rookie who is mixing signals on one demo account'. I'm not embarassed to say I'm rookie because in few months that I've been here I never followed any signals, and never copied any trades and still made a fine comeback from that blown account you mentioned. That only shows that on this site people can actually LEARN how to trade on their own and not only turn their trade copier on and lay back. That's a nice thought, but I have other plans.

If you visit the site, you'll find all the info you need and talk to the providers directly. Then if you have some solid reasons for negative comments leave them as you will, but this simply has no point.
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 02, 2014 at 08:47
In addition, why do I not see your master trader signals trading a real account for pipsopolis? I get some guy telling me

' I never ment to provide signals or to offer my trades to be copied cause I'm aware that I'm still learning and with so little experience I would never think of myself as a pro '

    I am looking for real data on the real signals given, not some rookie who is mixing signals on one demo account.
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Jan 02, 2014 at 08:47
Well I do appreciate the further links. They further add to my point about risk and performance assessment. All of the records are less than a year old, a few of the accounts have heavy drawdowns up to 26%. This can happen early to a fresh trader getting signals and easily blow an account. Much like the account with the hidden history.

    I am glad to see people trying and making money. I just also want to have new traders see the reality of what they are paying you for, and what the real risk and track record of these traders are. I can give you free grid robots that will make money for 6 months ; but just like the majority of your accounts, they drawdown and wipe out most accounts.
Membre depuis Oct 27, 2011   posts 86
Jan 02, 2014 at 07:36
LifestyleGroupTh posted:
I am researching providers. I see that your best performing chart posted on MyFX book looks ok because it just shows a custom chosen time period of the total history. If I use the custom analysis to see all the history, it seems that your best performing account is down in TOTAL LOSS of 97% , even with the recent wins.
  Just thought others should be aware as they set their risk parameters

We have 5 traders on our site and only one has used a custom start date (Pipsopolis) and it was done because he was using an old account that had some ancient unrelated history.

Here are the Myfxbook accounts for all the traders on our site:

Smart Trader -

Trade Alerter -

FX Amplified -

FX Viper -

Pipsopolis (custom start date) -

In future please make sure you are fully informed before you make such and defamatory statements. is an honest and transparent signal service.


Find your passion and work hard
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2013   posts 5
Jan 01, 2014 at 13:52
I am not a provider. What you saw is my first EVER forex account which, of course, I blew pretty soon. As months went by, I've learned a lot and that's why I've set custom start date from when I changed my strategy to keep track of my progress more easily. I never ment to provide signals or to offer my trades to be copied cause I'm aware that I'm still learning and with so little experience I would never think of myself as a pro.

Even though it's going well on that account, I've recently opened live account so these demo accounts are now used just for testing ea-s, indys, strategies...
Membre depuis Feb 26, 2013   posts 12
Dec 31, 2013 at 07:40
I am researching providers. I see that your best performing chart posted on MyFX book looks ok because it just shows a custom chosen time period of the total history. If I use the custom analysis to see all the history, it seems that your best performing account is down in TOTAL LOSS of 97% , even with the recent wins.
  Just thought others should be aware as they set their risk parameters
Membre depuis Jul 27, 2013   posts 5
Oct 23, 2013 at 09:30
I've been a member in trade room for few months now, and can't think of any bad issue about it. Very good signals and really helpful expert advice. People in trade room, along with all admins, are more than willing to help with anything and I'm sure that if it wasn't for all of them, I would still be months behind in progress. Nick is a great guy, a true professional and always there to ask if you get stuck. In general, I think 5 stars above are not enough to rate this site. Great job, many thanks and keep up the good work!
Membre depuis Jun 20, 2012   posts 2
May 29, 2013 at 10:24
I like Nick's approach to helping retail traders actually start to make progress in Forex trading. I've been with his service for about two months, and I can say without reservation that this is a man with integrity. If there's any problem, you can rest assured that he will step in and personally do whatever it takes to correct it. It's refreshing to see this level of service in a signal provider. Although I've gotten off to rough start, I still believe in what Nick has to offer; and I'm staying with Live Forex Trading for the long haul.
Membre depuis Mar 24, 2013   posts 4
May 01, 2013 at 15:07
Have a few accounts with Nick and still doing good. Recommended to go for fxAMP! good service! Furthermore, there are a lot of recommended forex traders available which are selected by Nick. 1 word to describe liveforextrading, AWESOME! 😄
Patience, Patience & Patience!
Membre depuis Oct 11, 2011   posts 1
Mar 27, 2013 at 08:17
In my dealings with Nick, I have found him to be very prompt and professional. A very positive change of pace from what's 'outthere' in the forex world!
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