Voir les scores TradingFXVPS

Score général: 3.2 / 5

Total des votes: 64
Facilité d’utilisation
Service client
1 - pire 5 - meilleur

Discussion TradingFXVPS

posts 2
Found TradingFXVPS.com from spotware referred vps, and i chose TradingFXVPS as it offered trial plan, so thought i could try first before i buy. Turned out the VPS ran smooth that i upgraded it into annual plan - it costs cheaper per month. The service been running well for a month now that i decide to get a new service with bigger ram with TradingFXVPS. The customer service has been responsive, emailing them was like text messaging with with them. It's my first time using VPS and so far i have no regret selecting TradingFXVPS.
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