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Real (USD), FxPro , 1:200 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 2.30%

Equity: (100.00%)


Updated Sep 30, 2013 at 13:25
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year - - - - - -
Data is private.
Trades: 103
Pips: 638.0
Average Win: 26.87 pips /
Average Loss: -22.65 pips /
Lots :
Longs Won: (39/67) 58%
Shorts Won: (21/36) 58%
Best Trade ($):
Worst Trade ($):
Best Trade (Pips): (Sep 16) 70.0
Worst Trade (Pips): (Sep 16) -67.0
Avg. Trade Length: 2d
Profit Factor: 1.64
Standard Deviation:
Sharpe Ratio 0.21
Z-Score (Probability): -1.75 (93.39%)
Expectancy 6.2 Pips /
AHPR: 0.05%
GHPR: 0.05%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

Other Systems by Andreas_K

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
15c5 -0.06% 0.52% -5.7 - 1:200 Real
9c5 0.32% 0.42% 28.2 - 1:200 Real
1c4 -0.59% 0.59% -54.5 - 1:200 Real
1c1 6.59% 2.10% 74.1 - 1:200 Real
1c6 -1.36% 2.39% -168.6 - 1:200 Real
11c4 0.59% 0.45% 59.7 - 1:200 Real
14c10 0.06% 0.37% 5.9 - 1:200 Real
7c8 0.34% 0.98% 64.5 - 1:200 Real
2c11 57.47% 15.41% 561.7 - 1:200 Real
7c2 old -8.98% 38.98% -235.2 - 1:200 Real
7c3 old -30.87% 43.19% -321.3 - 1:200 Real
7c4 -12.18% 20.49% 110.3 - 1:200 Real
7c6 old -42.56% 43.39% -448.5 - 1:200 Real
8c8 3.40% 6.90% 871.1 - 1:200 Real
13c6 old 89.33% 39.39% 1,133.9 - 1:200 Real
2c8 -0.84% 1.76% -819.9 - 1:200 Real
2c7 -3.78% 3.87% -18.5 - 1:200 Real
2c9 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
8c7 1.48% 2.25% 143.4 - 1:200 Real
2c6 -1.27% 1.51% -125.2 - 1:200 Real
8c6 5.05% 2.40% 46.3 - 1:200 Real
9c6old2 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
15C1 -3.35% 5.14% -33.4 - 1:200 Real
2c3 3.02% 0.45% 361.1 - 1:200 Real
15C2 old -7.27% 34.24% 31.4 - 1:200 Real
11c5 -0.60% 0.62% -48.6 - 1:200 Real
2c1 0.32% 0.37% 15.2 - 1:200 Real
15C3 -1.17% 2.94% -7.5 - 1:200 Real
9c9 7.25% 2.07% 722.7 - 1:200 Real
2c2 4.15% 0.17% 285.0 - 1:200 Real
9c8 -19.15% 26.38% -186.6 - 1:200 Real
9c7 -18.02% 42.34% -152.2 - 1:200 Real
9c6 old -49.14% 51.95% -559.7 - 1:200 Real
11c6 3.29% 0.00% 330.0 - 1:200 Real
9c4 -3.53% 19.72% -14.8 - 1:200 Real
12c1 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
9c3 -20.81% 34.35% -203.7 - 1:200 Real
9c2 old -34.65% 71.82% -1,070.1 - 1:200 Real
8c10 -8.09% 23.52% -57.5 - 1:200 Real
10c6 -3.86% 4.64% -102.0 - 1:200 Real
8c7 old -5.94% 5.94% -486.1 - 1:200 Real
7c10 -17.40% 20.01% -162.0 - 1:200 Real
8c4 old -52.35% 56.21% -546.8 - 1:200 Real
7c9 -5.26% 20.95% -17.3 - 1:200 Real
7c7 0.52% 12.58% 26.5 - 1:200 Real
13c10 0.15% 0.45% 15.9 - 1:200 Real
14c8 1.72% 0.00% 8.6 - 1:200 Real
7c6 4.84% 8.73% 59.6 - 1:200 Real
7c1 old 2.12% 7.60% 212.3 - 1:200 Real
8c5 0.17% 1.61% 4.7 - 1:200 Real
1c2 0.00% 1.96% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
11c2 old -1.12% 2.80% -107.7 - 1:200 Real
8c2 old 0.25% 1.69% 5.0 - 1:200 Real
8c5 old -27.95% 31.27% -691.0 - 1:200 Real
8c9 old 0.18% 0.34% 15.1 - 1:200 Real
8c1 1.96% 2.94% 112.8 - 1:200 Real
15c7 -0.30% 0.30% -30.2 - 1:200 Real
9c10 old -9.61% 9.61% -181.4 - 1:200 Real
10c3 old 1.21% 0.00% 12.0 - 1:200 Real
14C9 -0.73% 8.24% -3.0 - 1:200 Real
14c8 old 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
3c5 -2.06% 3.01% -110.8 - 1:200 Real
14c7 old -15.93% 29.50% -157.2 - 1:200 Real
13c9 -5.42% 19.99% -325.0 - 1:200 Real
3c2 7.03% 3.01% 70.0 - 1:200 Real
11c10 17.21% 15.20% 176.6 - 1:200 Real
11c9 old -38.07% 56.42% -372.7 - 1:200 Real
3c4 -3.71% 6.90% -40.6 - 1:200 Real
11c7 17.43% 1.56% 166.3 - 1:200 Real
3c3 -1.01% 1.01% -28.1 - 1:200 Real
7c5 16.52% 4.94% 140.4 - 1:200 Real
1c7 1.97% 0.69% 49.4 - 1:200 Real
1c10 71.82% 22.62% 377.4 - 1:200 Real
8c3 -12.78% 12.78% -637.7 - 1:200 Real
12c2 -0.77% 0.82% -75.3 - 1:200 Real
11c3 -0.08% 0.57% -8.0 - 1:200 Real
1c8 -0.85% 5.40% -8.5 - 1:200 Real
15c9 0.36% 0.57% 6.8 - 1:200 Real
15c2 -2.89% 2.89% -262.6 - 1:200 Real
2c10 -4.83% 6.70% -148.3 - 1:200 Real
12c3 -1.93% 2.31% -192.6 - 1:200 Real
1c9 2.69% 2.51% 126.4 - 1:200 Real
8c2 -3.60% 3.64% -223.4 - 1:200 Real
12c4 -18.84% 41.99% -53.7 - 1:200 Real
9c1demo -2.20% 3.07% -74.5 - 1:200 Demo
win7 old -5.14% 5.63% -69.0 - 1:200 Demo
9c2demo -0.10% 1.00% -18.5 - 1:100 Demo
10c8 0.76% 14.85% 400.0 - 1:200 Demo
8c3demo 7.31% 3.00% 744.0 - 1:200 Demo
15c9demo 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Demo
win7-1 -3.45% 8.48% 2.0 - 1:200 Real
10c1 12.56% 9.10% 93.4 - 1:200 Real
10c1 old 3.55% 16.33% -188.0 - 1:200 Real
10c10 2.10% 5.47% 79.1 - 1:200 Real
10c4 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
10c4 old -5.43% 43.78% 3,586.5 - 1:200 Real
10c5 18.70% 14.47% 1,902.1 - 1:200 Real
10c9 11.65% 8.27% 373.8 - 1:200 Real
11c1 -19.33% 25.47% -1,961.5 - 1:200 Real
12c10 9.00% 7.58% 971.4 - 1:200 Real
12c5 -2.46% 6.59% -39.7 - 1:200 Real
12c6 old -1.59% 3.59% -14.7 - 1:200 Real
12c7 2.58% 5.17% 281.6 - 1:200 Real
12c8 old -99.90% 79.35% -3,502.5 - 1:200 Real
12c9 old 6.58% 14.57% 968.9 - 1:200 Real
13c10 old -3.32% 0.77% -323.6 - 1:200 Real
13c2 13.93% 16.47% 1,153.9 - 1:200 Real
13c5 28.52% 37.41% 1,485.5 - 1:200 Real
13c8old 69.08% 19.20% 7,133.0 - 1:200 Real
14c1 2.23% 11.67% 228.0 - 1:200 Real
14c10 old 3.28% 3.71% 330.0 - 1:200 Real
14c2 21.69% 37.57% 689.9 - 1:200 Real
14c3 8.87% 2.35% 228.1 - 1:200 Real
14c4 16.03% 25.28% 530.2 - 1:200 Real
3c7 14.63% 9.98% 87.6 - 1:200 Real
3c6 -27.09% 27.09% -576.9 - 1:200 Real
3c1 -3.10% 4.50% -60.0 - 1:200 Real
3c8 10.26% 5.63% 210.0 - 1:200 Real
3c5 -5.96% 5.96% -284.6 - 1:200 Real
11c8old2 -96.87% 97.33% -778.3 - 1:200 Real
14c5 14.81% 30.81% 541.4 - 1:200 Real
14c6 14.56% 24.38% 612.8 - 1:200 Real
15c4demo 1.77% 1.32% 89.8 - 1:200 Demo
15c6 -10.35% 12.77% -217.3 - 1:200 Real
15c8demo-old -99.72% 99.91% -6,577.5 - 1:200 Demo
17c4 10.26% 9.30% 2,817.4 - 1:200 Real
2c5 4.56% 18.67% 88.4 - 1:200 Real
MAM -7.43% 11.71% -1,215.4 - 1:500 Real
11c2old2 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
2c11old -9.72% 9.72% -316.4 - 1:200 Real
10c3 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
10c7 15.58% 5.16% 982.7 - 1:200 Real
11c2 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:200 Real
12c6 -5.03% 15.42% -62.6 - 1:200 Real
Account USV