Volume Flux 2.0

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Demo (USD), RoboForex , 1:200 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 52.56%

Balance: $12,073.14
Equity: (108.10%) $13,050.49
Highest: (May 03) $12,780.50
Profit: $2,056.16
Interest: -$1,108.23

Deposits: $10,016.98
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Jun 28 at 02:07
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year +20.56% ( - ) $2,056.16 ( - ) +4,245.4 ( - ) 71% ( - ) 961 ( - ) 38.05 ( - )
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 961
Pips: 4,245.4
Average Win: 17.30 pips / $8.62
Average Loss: -27.55 pips / -$13.94
Lots : 38.05
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (351/480) 73%
Shorts Won: (334/481) 69%
Best Trade ($): (May 03) 175.45
Worst Trade ($): (Apr 03) -345.47
Best Trade (Pips): (May 03) 236.3
Worst Trade (Pips): (Apr 17) -316.3
Avg. Trade Length: 1d
Profit Factor: 1.53
Standard Deviation: $30.782
Sharpe Ratio 0.07
Z-Score (Probability): -11.11 (22.88%)
Expectancy 4.4 Pips / $2.14
AHPR: 0.02%
GHPR: 0.02%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
05.14.2024 21:44 CHFJPY Buy 0.01 172.548 - - 39.81 641.3 0.47 +0.33%
05.15.2024 11:30 CHFJPY Buy 0.02 172.241 - - 83.45 672.0 0.85 +0.70%
05.15.2024 11:52 CHFJPY Buy 0.03 171.929 - - 130.98 703.2 1.31 +1.10%
05.15.2024 18:14 CHFJPY Buy 0.04 171.631 - - 182.04 733.0 1.45 +1.52%
05.16.2024 02:22 CHFJPY Buy 0.05 171.325 - - 237.05 763.6 1.78 +1.98%
05.16.2024 03:54 CHFJPY Buy 0.06 171.016 - - 295.98 794.5 2.18 +2.47%
Total: 0.21 $969.31 4,307.6 8.04 +8.10%

Other Systems by tiankriek

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KAMA Trading More Pairs 16.55% 6.92% 3,778.6 - 1:30 Demo
Half Trend More Pairs 12.33% 3.97% 724.0 - 1:50 Demo
KAMA LIVE 210364736 26.67% 20.88% -7,420.4 - 1:30 Real
Dracula System 20.20% 11.47% 2,071.2 - 1:1000 Demo
Market Flow 2.0 13.54% 24.21% 104.7 - 1:1000 Real
StochasticMACD -57.47% 91.98% 2,737.2 - 1:500 Demo
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Dynamic Trader 5K, Feb2022 22.05% 17.29% 168.7 - 1:1000 Real
1-2 Strategy on 15m Chart 0.14% 0.24% 131.8 - 1:1000 Demo
Trend Splitter Pro 56.95% 24.01% 3,607.2 - 1:1000 Demo
Market Profile 2.0 114.81% 25.27% 10,131.4 - 1:50 Demo
Market Flow 2.0 Aug2022 62.63% 56.53% 5,493.4 - 1:1000 Demo
Pip Commander Aug 2022 52.28% 90.27% 25,244.5 - 1:1000 Demo
KAMA Trading 2022 87.11% 25.18% 3,393.0 - 1:1000 Demo
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Tian Trading Room 11.22% 22.57% 587.6 - 1:1000 Real
Triple Peak 2.0 -2022 38.28% 34.59% 9,858.2 - 1:1000 Demo
V-Force July 2022 6.87% 6.79% 1,920.5 - 1:50 Demo
AoD Live -94.69% 99.37% -4,549.1 - 1:1000 Real
Triple Peak 2.0 November 2022 17.67% 24.36% 3,828.6 - 1:1000 Demo
AO Linear 20.77% 14.35% 10,106.8 - 1:1000 Demo
KAMA 2023 10.83% 10.49% 1,420.6 - 1:100 Demo
Neural EA TK -0.07% 11.77% 241.3 - 1:100 Demo
V-Force March 2023 7.08% 4.38% 307.2 - 1:1000 Demo
Absolute Scalper 2023 1.57% 16.53% 74.8 - 1:100 Demo
Price Squeeze #1 -5.71% 20.27% 1,746.4 - 1:1000 Demo
Absolute Scalper update June '23 9.71% 6.03% 2,186.8 - 1:1000 Demo
Wolfe Waves 44.55% 37.42% 6,061.7 - 1:200 Demo
FX Frontline 0.00% 0.00% 2.5 - 1:50 Demo
FX Frontline September 2023 -22.09% 52.75% -1,159.1 - 1:50 Demo
Genesis Matrix 2.0 Oct 23 -15.50% 24.36% -1,557.6 - 1:100 Demo
Dynamic Trader New Settings 2023 6.26% 3.69% 1,553.0 - 1:1000 Demo
MVP 2023 Live New Settings 2023 67.51% 73.51% 2,046.0 - 1:200 Real
FX Market Predictor -44.94% 55.24% -6,810.2 - 1:200 Demo
Polygonal Regression -35.08% 40.95% -2,223.0 - 1:200 Demo
Genesis Matrix 2024 6.62% 8.44% 2,011.2 - 1:200 Demo
Polygonal Regression m15 -12.54% 29.25% -648.3 - 1:200 Demo
FX Direct 2.0 MT5 24.79% 11.54% -962.9 - 1:500 Demo
Volume Flux 2.0 Fixed Step No Dir. Bias 1.85% 7.01% 8,250.7 - 1:200 Demo
Volume Flux 2.0 Fixed Step Bias Enabled 0.25% 3.51% 619.8 - 1:200 Demo
Q3 Risky Asset Correction 36.85% 2.04% 163,307.0 - 1:200 Demo
Account USV