Whats your opinion on the most important aspects of a trading system

Apr 13, 2020 at 23:12
6,207 視聴
74 Replies
Nov 19, 2017からメンバー   42 投稿
Apr 13, 2020 at 23:12

Sharp ratio?
Profit factor?
Expectancy ?
Z score?

Or combinations
Feb 27, 2020からメンバー   1 投稿
Apr 13, 2020 at 23:36
proper risk management will keep all those stats in line.
Jan 10, 2020からメンバー   36 投稿
Apr 15, 2020 at 17:25
Well as for me to begin with, the most important thing in any trading strategy is that it is yours. That you created this trading strategy.
Oct 23, 2019からメンバー   8 投稿
Apr 19, 2020 at 10:38
...in my humble opinion the exit is the most important aspect of any system because ALL systems have a kernel of credibility but lack, usually, one or a couple of key tweaks to turn them into profitable money machines. This is were experience comes to play. With experience one can know which elements to keep and which to tweak. Having spent my 10k+ hours and more in demo and live trading. I have experienced more ‘black swan’ moments than I would ever wish.

So, in the spirit of good will and wishing to give something, I offer this advice to any aspiring trader. It is worth the effort, don’t give up.
Oct 23, 2019からメンバー   8 投稿
Apr 19, 2020 at 11:00
...there was once a mechanic who went to visit a client having problems with his very expensive 4 color printing machine. The mechanic looked at the machine, walked around it a couple of times. He took out a listening rod and listened to the machine in a couple of places. Finally he went to his bag, took out a delicate little shiny hammer. He went to a specific point at the machine and with a determined and crafted poise he struck the point with a very precise and calculated hit. Instantly the whirling machine sounds changed and there was a more melodic tone in the air. The machine started spitting out copy after copy at very precise intervals of time. The machine was fixed.
After a few discussions and suggestions from the machinists the invoice was handed to the owner. The owner looked wide-eyed at the amount to be paid. It was a bill for $1320.00.
“You were here for less than 30 mins” said the owner “How do you rate that then?”
The mechanic raised his head from the pad from which he had just written the invoice and looked at the owner.
“Well” he said.
“There’s 20 dollars an hour. And there’s 1300 dollars for my experience in knowing where to strike the hammer “
It’s the knowing where to strike the hammer that’s important in most endeavors.
In trading this is the equivalent to the knowing where to exit in trading.

The exit matters the most.
Apr 06, 2020からメンバー   2 投稿
Apr 29, 2020 at 18:58
Risk Management.
Nov 19, 2017からメンバー   42 投稿
May 04, 2020 at 06:00
Thank you guys!
May 15, 2020からメンバー   8 投稿
May 27, 2020 at 11:10
"In my veiw analyzing things and staying
placid before taking any step. And keep on
practicing till you develop your confidence
while performing trading activities."
Mar 24, 2020からメンバー   80 投稿
May 29, 2020 at 20:36


Stay with it.
Not Specified
Jan 06, 2020からメンバー   69 投稿
May 29, 2020 at 21:17
Risk Management/DD
Market Direction
Oct 23, 2014からメンバー   77 投稿
May 30, 2020 at 00:36
expectancy is by far most important figure.anything above 1 and you can maintain for years means you will make big money.you can adjust all other inputs around this number.
Nov 19, 2017からメンバー   42 投稿
May 31, 2020 at 05:52
rickyb posted:
expectancy is by far most important figure.anything above 1 and you can maintain for years means you will make big money.you can adjust all other inputs around this number.

I know hat you mean now. R _expectancy Thank you for your input everyone
Sep 03, 2019からメンバー   2 投稿
Jun 14, 2020 at 06:03

Do you mean expectancy in terms of R as Vantharp describes or do you mean expectancy in dollars as shown in Myfxbook?
Jun 04, 2020からメンバー   41 投稿
Jun 14, 2020 at 11:23
Most important aspect of trading is making profits, nothing more.
Jun 09, 2020からメンバー   29 投稿
Jun 15, 2020 at 13:43
In my opinion, trading strategy and risk management are the most important aspects.
Feb 08, 2019からメンバー   17 投稿
Jun 15, 2020 at 17:17
Most important aspect of trading is making profits, nothing more.

funny but absolutely true..
What's the point if not to be profitable
Insta-@Greenbandits #TradeLikeaBandit
Oct 23, 2014からメンバー   77 投稿
Jun 18, 2020 at 04:19
DeepakMallaya posted:

Do you mean expectancy in terms of R as Vantharp describes or do you mean expectancy in dollars as shown in Myfxbook?

i have not heard of vantharp so had a quick read online. i agree he said " So in the real world of investing or trading, expectancy tells you the net profit or loss you can expect over a large number of single-unit trades. If the total amount of money lost is greater than the total amount of money gained, you are a net loser and have a negative expectancy. If the total amount of money gained is greater than the total amount of money lost, you are a net winner and have a positive expectancy."i was thinking expectancy in pips for forex.why it is good is after hundreds of live trades you can get a idea of return after all the good and bad trades and costs.i currently have a system that has a expectancy between 2-3 pips after 137 trades on 1 pair usd/jpy.with 20 pip stop loss.i am very happy with that as i can increase lot size more and more if i retain same numbers over more and more time.so is around 10% of stop loss.if you have big stop losses and big take profit your expectancy should should be higher.
Oct 23, 2014からメンバー   77 投稿
Jun 18, 2020 at 04:35
to add to confusion there are many traders with negative pip expectancy and positive dollar expectancy. also the other way around.positive pip expectancy and negative dollar expectancy.for a robust system have both and play it safe.
Sep 03, 2019からメンバー   2 投稿
Jun 18, 2020 at 06:43

Thanks for the reply.
As you described , am of former type (" negative pip expectancy and positive dollar expectancy') .
But my avg Win $ is 1.75-2 times Avg Loss.
Nov 17, 2012からメンバー   348 投稿
Jun 19, 2020 at 11:10
skype id millennium.analyst
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