Beginners Greed

Sep 19, 2019 at 10:26
5,717 視聴
107 Replies
Jun 22, 2020からメンバー   4 投稿
Jun 23, 2020 at 10:31
Never be greedy in forex. It can drive you to huge losses.Trading must be done patiently with a keen interest to gain knowledge. Take risks that you can afford.
Jun 08, 2020からメンバー   40 投稿
Jun 23, 2020 at 12:25
Before entering into trading I had one motive was to only gain more money in it, dint think about the loss which turned bad.

So being greedy in for\ex will only make things worse always plan your strategy and try to minimize your loss.
Jun 11, 2019からメンバー   9 投稿
Jun 24, 2020 at 11:07
Traders who aim for high profits instantly usually lose all their money
Jun 24, 2020からメンバー   1 投稿
Jun 24, 2020 at 14:32
What is the best minimum amount to fund a USD forex acount?
Jul 20, 2020からメンバー   172 投稿
Aug 20, 2020 at 19:13
Yes. Greed can put the beginners in great lose. They can lose all their money because of greed. So, as a beginner if you want to become successful in this market, you have to avoid greed from you nature.
Aug 11, 2017からメンバー   870 投稿
Aug 21, 2020 at 11:50
If you have small balance, should not trade high leverage, it can causes a great loss, you can get maximal result by using leverage if you have sufficient balance as well proper money managing plan.
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー   749 投稿
Aug 22, 2020 at 03:55
Yes discipline and a trading plan is needed to control greed. Trading emotions are common among traders. It needs a lot of systematic ways to control greed and fear of losing money or missing a trade.
Aug 14, 2020からメンバー   37 投稿
Aug 24, 2020 at 11:39
Enyinnaya posted:
Traders who aim for high profits instantly usually lose all their money

True, nobody can get it instantly.
Aug 07, 2020からメンバー   71 投稿
Aug 25, 2020 at 16:19
Due to the fact that there is a desire to earn faster, beginners very often give in to their greed and make stupid mistakes.
May 24, 2020からメンバー   102 投稿
Aug 29, 2020 at 10:42
The desire for quick and big earnings ultimately leads to quick losses.
Jul 23, 2020からメンバー   816 投稿
Sep 11, 2020 at 12:47
Malajind posted:
Due to the fact that there is a desire to earn faster, beginners very often give in to their greed and make stupid mistakes.

That’s true. Trader should control or avoid this kind of emotion. It is hard but not impossible.
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー   310 投稿
Sep 11, 2020 at 13:43
Usually there are two types of emotions on trading that affect a trader. One is fear and is greed. Fear of losing money and fear of losing opportunity. Due to greed traders open big lots and revenge trade. To be successful one needs to overcome this.
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー   749 投稿
Sep 11, 2020 at 15:23
Yes greed is very destructive emotions for traders. New traders open big lots out of emotions. Then they open a lot of trades at a time. They do not bother about risk management. To reduce greed we need to discipline. We have to make certain rules and follow them.
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー   310 投稿
Sep 13, 2020 at 13:08
Roberto21 posted:
most of the traders become addicted for bringing profit very rapidly , its a main problem , they should addicted to learn Forex that can make more profit from trading.

Yes Forex trading is addictive for individuals particularly for new traders despite the fact that it is troublesome. Many new traders can't sleep at night. They constantly watch the market all day and night.
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー   742 投稿
Oct 05, 2020 at 01:23
When we join new trading, our dreams are much bigger. Having big dreams, I try to make a lot of profit with a small investment. As a trader that is never acceptable. Greed destroys the trading career. If you trade with patience and discipline then success will come one day but if you are more greedy then you will never get profit from trading.
Jul 20, 2020からメンバー   278 投稿
Oct 06, 2020 at 17:49
GReed is the most dangerous thing in forex trading. Most of the traders lose their money because of their greedy nature.
Jul 01, 2020からメンバー   25 投稿
Oct 16, 2020 at 12:37
Greed is one of the major reasons behind the failure of most traders.
Jul 10, 2020からメンバー   32 投稿
Oct 19, 2020 at 11:07
I would say first to work on discipline issues, and then start trading.
Jul 23, 2020からメンバー   696 投稿
Apr 29, 2021 at 14:40
All kind of emotion including greed harmful for any kind of trader. So, batter to avoid it.
Apr 03, 2021からメンバー   437 投稿
Apr 30, 2021 at 03:56
Greedy is like our own enemy, this is included as bad psychology trading, how to control greed also need high intention and having a good mindset, forex trading is no easy way to get rich at a short time, every time trader being greedy, they jump in high-risk trading, although if in luck will get high profit, but luck will never come all the time
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