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By gambling one can get
Feb 24, 2020からメンバー
7 投稿
Dec 30, 2020 at 13:07
Feb 24, 2020からメンバー
7 投稿
There is something similar in forex trading to playing in a casino. The same stacks for a certain currency. Possibly win. But there are also losses, which are many times greater. And which happen often both for beginners and professionals. The difference is that the professional will accept his failure, analyze what happened and start waiting for a favorable entry point into the market. And the layman will start to recoup. And as a result. Loss of account.
Jul 23, 2020からメンバー
696 投稿
Jul 20, 2020からメンバー
385 投稿
Feb 17, 2021 at 08:47
Dec 28, 2020からメンバー
167 投稿
You can’t make any profit in Forex depending on your luck only, you need to learn and practice trading in order to make consistent profit. But gambling is a totally luck dependent game. A gambler puts up money in the hopes of a return if a random event occurs.
Mar 03, 2021からメンバー
1 投稿
Mar 10, 2021 at 14:01
(編集済みのMar 10, 2021 at 14:04)
Mar 03, 2021からメンバー
1 投稿
Sorry, but I don't agree with the statement that gambling and trading are similar things. I have experience in both of these areas. Trading is a much more complicated thing. When it comes to gambling, you just need to find your favorite casino or gambling platform and find out about all specificities. The main rule for me is to play not more than four times a week. I've played only [url=https://tr.superbahis.pro/]superbahis[/url] here this year. It's a great option for me because it's possible to make bets on sport from time to time which helps me take my mind off gambling when I need to.
Sep 05, 2021 at 15:20
Apr 16, 2017からメンバー
37 投稿
UweMoench posted:
By gambling one can get some winning trades here and there. Those few wins give them false hope. And they keep doing it until lose all the money. A trader should focus on learning. Otherwise one should not trade currency.
Gambling and winning is the worst thing that can happen to a trader as it rewards their bad behaviour
Jun 15, 2021からメンバー
16 投稿
Sep 06, 2021 at 11:16
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー
749 投稿
@mattieharper Knowingly or unknowingly they do gambling. For trading discipline is very important. And most traders do not have discipline in their trading.
Sep 07, 2021 at 18:56
Sep 18, 2020からメンバー
15 投稿
I don't really understand the people who gamble on forex market. I mean that gamblers usually derive pleasure from the process itself but not from the result. I wonder, how it is possible to derive pleasure from sitting before the computer screen for several hours following the charts. Gamblers will definetely lose the money sooner or later. THey don't have neither practical knowledge, nor psychological control over the situation on the market.
