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Can forex trading make you rich ?
Dec 15, 2019からメンバー
20 投稿
Apr 07, 2020 at 19:31
Dec 15, 2019からメンバー
20 投稿
Money does not just come that easy. If you plan on getting rich throughforex then you are thinking wrong. To get to that level you ned money and I mean a lot of money. You can get a lot of money from forex if you do not already have a lot of money. There is still no guarantee because when you do not know how to trtade properly then you will lose it all.
Dec 18, 2019からメンバー
14 投稿
Apr 07, 2020 at 19:33
Dec 18, 2019からメンバー
14 投稿
No it cannot make you rich. Forex is not a predictable kind of business. Trades will not always go the way you want them to. It is like a probability chart. The chances of successful trades depends on how well you are good at predction which apparently people are not so good at.
Apr 07, 2020 at 21:44
Nov 08, 2011からメンバー
87 投稿
Skilled forex traders, can get rich provided that have great discipline and firm risk management.
I said it once, and I will say it again. George Soros made a BILLION dollars in a single day. That trade wasn't his 1st rodeo. He knew how to trade forex market very well after years of doing it, and he had good knowledge of market fundamentals. Both are requirements in order to "get rich" in forex I believe.
I said it once, and I will say it again. George Soros made a BILLION dollars in a single day. That trade wasn't his 1st rodeo. He knew how to trade forex market very well after years of doing it, and he had good knowledge of market fundamentals. Both are requirements in order to "get rich" in forex I believe.
test the waters, before you dive in
Jan 25, 2010からメンバー
1288 投稿
Dec 25, 2019からメンバー
19 投稿
May 06, 2020 at 16:50
Dec 25, 2019からメンバー
19 投稿
Yes, theoretically it can, but it's unlikely. The thing is that there are a lot of traders now, but there are not many good ones. About 90% of traders do not know what a good trader knows and makes money on it. I would rather consider trading as a way of additional income, than as a main job and a way to get rich. Especially if you are not sure of your skills and knowledges...
May 07, 2020 at 04:48
Apr 02, 2020からメンバー
2 投稿
Разбогатеть на валютном рынке Forex, на мой взгляд, можно. Но для этого нужны условия. Для трейдера, я думаю, нужны такие условия:
- иметь хорошие навыки и опыт (от 5 лет) работы трейдером;
- иметь рабочую надёжную высокодоходную торговую стратегию;
- иметь железную волю, всегда выполнять правила торговли, не допускать грубых ошибок.
При наличии хорошей торговой стратегии и стартового депозита в 3-5 тысяч долларов успешный трейдер может сделать состояние за 3-5 лет (ИМХО).
Для инвестора надо найти трейдера, который обладает качествами, перечисленными выше. Всем больших профитов.
- иметь хорошие навыки и опыт (от 5 лет) работы трейдером;
- иметь рабочую надёжную высокодоходную торговую стратегию;
- иметь железную волю, всегда выполнять правила торговли, не допускать грубых ошибок.
При наличии хорошей торговой стратегии и стартового депозита в 3-5 тысяч долларов успешный трейдер может сделать состояние за 3-5 лет (ИМХО).
Для инвестора надо найти трейдера, который обладает качествами, перечисленными выше. Всем больших профитов.
May 07, 2020 at 08:35
Apr 02, 2020からメンバー
2 投稿
Tovash posted:
Разбогатеть на валютном рынке Forex, на мой взгляд, можно. Но для этого нужны условия. Для трейдера, я думаю, нужны такие условия:
- иметь хорошие навыки и опыт (от 5 лет) работы трейдером;
- иметь рабочую надёжную высокодоходную торговую стратегию;
- иметь железную волю, всегда выполнять правила торговли, не допускать грубых ошибок.
При наличии хорошей торговой стратегии и стартового депозита в 3-5 тысяч долларов успешный трейдер может сделать состояние за 3-5 лет (ИМХО).
Для инвестора надо найти трейдера, который обладает качествами, перечисленными выше. Всем больших профитов.
May 08, 2020 at 03:05
Mar 03, 2020からメンバー
12 投稿
Maybe, but don't count on it. I can't name how many people went with that kind of mindset to the forex market and they lost everything because they didn't respect the game. They were trying to make their own rules because "they know everything". well guess what. they got humiliated. to trade forex you also need to keep your head down.
Mar 03, 2020からメンバー
18 投稿
May 13, 2020 at 09:23
Aug 11, 2017からメンバー
870 投稿
the maximum result from Forex is not an easy task even though many of us try to make money easily . first of all you have to acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge which is the key to success in Forex. On the other hand despite of having most powerful analyzing trade knowledge it is not possible to achieve success without having a reliable support, because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.
May 13, 2020からメンバー
4 投稿
May 13, 2020 at 13:26
May 13, 2020からメンバー
4 投稿
Of course it can!
We develop trading advisors that bring good profit. Look at the reports. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/grisly
if you have any questions I will be happy to answer
Feb 13, 2020からメンバー
21 投稿
Jun 22, 2020からメンバー
4 投稿
Jun 24, 2020 at 10:28
Jun 22, 2020からメンバー
4 投稿
You can become rich but slowly and steadily. If you keep working on grasping more knowledge it will help you to make profitable trades. Practice as much as you can. Don’t fall into false hopes of only profits. You will make losses as well as profits. Keep on going to become a successful trader.
Jun 24, 2020 at 11:06
Jun 11, 2019からメンバー
9 投稿
To get rich quick in this world you either need to inherit, win or be given money. For the rest of use we need to focus on getting rich slow. Start a 10 year plan and aim to be "wealthy" after those 10 years. Then start a new 10 year plan and aim to be rich. The more money you have the easier it is to accumulate more money.
Jul 20, 2020からメンバー
172 投稿
Jul 19, 2020からメンバー
283 投稿
