How can i be fund manager in forex

May 03, 2017 at 11:04
797 視聴
4 Replies
Aug 24, 2016からメンバー   2 投稿
May 03, 2017 at 11:04
How can i be fund manager in forex
Sep 29, 2016からメンバー   255 投稿
May 03, 2017 at 14:56
nagesrao posted:
How can i be fund manager in forex


If you can get a forex account slowly slowly growing and you keep your DD as low as possible (anything under 10% is great), and not use much exposure in your trading hence keeping risk low, and you grow this account to a decent percentage (e.g you return 60% every year with max DD 5%), people will take notice and will want you to trade their funds.

When you reach this stage you can command a profit split from your clients whose money you are trading (Common profit splits are 20-25% on High water mark gains). Say you are managing €1 million in client funds and you return 5% for the month (€50,000), your profit split equals €12,500 (25% from gains).

This is much easier said than done!
May 03, 2017からメンバー   17 投稿
May 04, 2017 at 06:08
If you want to manage any sizable fund then you would need to get regulated in your local authority
Aug 24, 2016からメンバー   2 投稿
May 08, 2017 at 11:01
how to i regulated in my local authority
Apr 18, 2017からメンバー   34 投稿
Jun 12, 2017 at 06:02
There have so many sites who are connecting the fund manager with the general traders! But, you have to prove yourself and your trading skill first! They may provide you a demo account for a month or any specific session and you have to show your trading quality lively!