
VR Lollipop REAL v23.093 (による BIOS)

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VR Lollipop REAL v23.093 討論

Feb 06, 2024 at 07:10
536 視聴
8 Replies
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Feb 19, 2024 at 18:48
😄Good afternoon friends, my name is Vladimir and I am a trader programmer. I have been trading for over 17 years and have been programming trading robots for over 17 years. I only do programming of trading robots and nothing else.

I have great respect for MyFxBook users and want to talk about the hard work I have achieved over more than 17 years. I think each of you will be interested to see what a trader who has been programming trading robots for a very long time has come up with.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I program trading robots for real conditions. I'm comparing a strategy tester to a rubber woman, I hope you understand what I'm talking about. My English is much better thanks to you!

I am here to support all users of my programs, answer questions, and explain settings.

The VR Lollipop robot was developed at the end of 2022 and I am currently using this robot on my real accounts. Look at the monitoring that I attached to this description.

I am confident that even experienced traders, having launched a trading robot in VR Lollipop. On training and demo accounts they will see enormous potential for making a profit on the Forex market.

I know how much traders love the strategy tester; I program trading robots for training and real accounts. I'm not in the business of deceiving people in the strategy tester. In order to conduct high-quality testing, the trading robot needs to be launched on a training demo account, this is the only way you will see all the power and strength of this trading robot.
I'm sure you will be very surprised.

You can download the trading robot from the link trading-go.ru/upload/Content/Experts/vr-lollipop/files/vr-lollipop.zip

I wish you success! I'm waiting for your comments


Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Mar 15, 2024 at 10:12
BIOS posted:
😄Good afternoon friends, my name is Vladimir and I am a trader programmer. I have been trading for over 17 years and have been programming trading robots for over 17 years. I only do programming of trading robots and nothing else.

I have great respect for MyFxBook users and want to talk about the hard work I have achieved over more than 17 years. I think each of you will be interested to see what a trader who has been programming trading robots for a very long time has come up with.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I program trading robots for real conditions. I'm comparing a strategy tester to a rubber woman, I hope you understand what I'm talking about. My English is much better thanks to you!

I am here to support all users of my programs, answer questions, and explain settings.

The VR Lollipop robot was developed at the end of 2022 and I am currently using this robot on my real accounts. Look at the monitoring that I attached to this description.

I am confident that even experienced traders, having launched a trading robot in VR Lollipop. On training and demo accounts they will see enormous potential for making a profit on the Forex market.

I know how much traders love the strategy tester; I program trading robots for training and real accounts. I'm not in the business of deceiving people in the strategy tester. In order to conduct high-quality testing, the trading robot needs to be launched on a training demo account, this is the only way you will see all the power and strength of this trading robot.
I'm sure you will be very surprised.

You can download the trading robot from the link trading-go.ru/upload/Content/Experts/vr-lollipop/files/vr-lollipop.zip

I wish you success! I'm waiting for your comments

Hello traders, how are you?
Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Mar 15, 2024 at 10:26
👉 For questions about testing a trading robot, please write to the traders group https://t.me/tradinggoen
Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Apr 16, 2024 at 16:53
Небольшой отчет о работе торгового робота VR Lollipop


Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Jun 10, 2024 at 15:41
Current report. How are you doing ? I'm great!
Небольшой отчет о работе торгового робота VR Lollipop


Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Jun 28, 2024 at 16:13
😎 Well, friends, who wants to test a trading robot on real accounts for free?


Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Dec 27, 2024 at 11:21
​Update 25.010 has been released

Optimization of the trading algorithm, now the trading robot can resolve simple situations created by the trader manually. To do this, you should configure the trading robot and set the Magic Number parameter to 0, and if trading positions were opened by other robots, then the Magic Number should be equal to -1;

Optimized calculation of trading lots for brokers with minimum lots of 0.001 - 0.1

The Lot reduction setting can be either a positive value (Example 0.01) or a negative value (Example 0.01), it is important to take into account that with a negative value, trend positions will be opened with an increased lot.

Added the Minimum lot for trend trading setting, which sets the minimum lot for trend trading.

The New Bar setting has been optimized (Select the timeframe for the New Bar); previously, accounting for pairs of positions might not work correctly.

Added notifications:
Push for smartphone - notification to a smartphone in the MetaTrader terminal (Setup instructions on the blog)
Push for terminal - Standard notification in the MetaTrader terminal
Push for E-Mail - notification to an email address (Setting instructions on the blog)
Push for Telegram channel - notification to a telegram channel (Setting instructions on the blog)
Channel name - channel name for notifications
Telegram bot token - secret key of the telegram bot

Now the trading robot controls the connection to the broker’s server and the state of the MetaTrader terminal; in case of non-standard situations, the robot will notify the trader.

Updated versions for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5

​Вышло обновление 25.010

Оптимизация торгового алгоритма, теперь торговый робот может разруливать простые ситуации созданные трейдером в ручную, для этого следует настроить торгового робота и поставить параметр Magic Number поставить 0, а если торговые позиции открывали другие роботы то Magic Number должен быть равен -1;

Оптимизирован расчет торговых лотов для брокеров с минимальными лотами 0.001 - 0.1

Настройка Lot reduction может быть как положительного значения (Пример 0.01) так и отрицательного (Пример 0.01), важно учесть что при отрицательном значении позиции по тренду будут открываться с увеличенным лотом.

Добавлена настройка Minimum lot for trend trading, устанавливает минимальный лот для торговли по тренду.

Оптимизирована настройка New Bar (Select the timeframe for the New Bar), ранее учет пар позиций мог работать не корректно.

Добавлены уведомления:
Push for smartphone - уведомление в смартфон в терминал MetaTrader (Инструкция по настройке в блоге)
Push for terminal - Стандартное уведомление в терминале MetaTrader
Push for E-Mail - уведомление на адрес электронной почты (Инструкция по настройке в блоге)
Push for Telegram channel - уведомление в телеграмм канал (Инструкция по настройке в блоге)
Channel name - имя канала для уведомлений
Telegram bot token - секретный ключ телеграмм бота

Теперь торговый робот контролирует подключение у серверу брокера и состояние терминала MetaTrader в случае не стандартных ситуаций, робот уведомит трейдера.

Обновлены версии для MetaTrader 4 и MetaTrader 5
Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Jan 12 at 09:37
Version 25.11 2025.01.03
Added the ability to calculate lots according to different scenarios
Fixed lot (Example: 0.01) - fixed lot
Percentage lot (Example: 8) - lot calculated as a percentage of the deposit
Balance for minimum lot (Example: 300) - Lot calculated for the deposit amount, for example 0.01 lot for every 300 units of deposit.

Fixed display of the information panel.

Version 25.13 2025.01.10

Previously, there were problems with tests on financial instruments: EURUSD and XAUUSD have been fixed in the new version.
Increased stability of the trading robot
The mathematical functions of the trading robot have been improved, which significantly influenced the speed of operation
Added different calculations for position step
Added different lot calculations

Version 25.14 2025.01.12
Code optimization, disabling log files.
Unique ideas
Jul 19, 2011からメンバー   24 投稿
Jan 23 at 08:47

Вышло обновление VR Lollipop 25.015 от 23 января 2025 годаИсправление кнопок на информационной панели.Кнопки теперь работают корректно.


VR Lollipop update 25.015 released on January 23, 2025Correction of buttons on the information panel.The buttons now work correctly.

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