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Nova Funding User Reviews
Nova Funding User Reviews
Oct 28, 2009からメンバー   1424 投稿
Mar 01 at 11:59
Update 01/03/2024: Nova have now paid the payment that is missing. I've upgraded them to a 3. If they continue to pay and get better at it, I will further upgrade them.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Oct 28, 2009からメンバー   1424 投稿
Feb 20 at 12:30
Inconsistent in paying out

Okay, I have a mixed experience with Nova Funding. I currently have two accounts with them.

The first account I applied for payout on January 10th ( yes over a month ago! )

I received a Payout Approval from Peter in Payouts the very next day!

And then nothing, no money no communication, account in review.

So I chased it on January 16th, then January 17th.
I did get a little confused with the communication as the second account I had was breached on consistency.

I then checked back with them on January 25th and just got an auto response from the payouts team.

So I emailed support and copied Payouts on January 29th and got Juliet, who said she would pass it to the finance team and get back to me ASAP.

I chased this communication on February 1st and Juliet again responded and apologised for the delay and said they would get back to me ASAP.

I then waited till February 14th and emailed once more with the details and Henry in support said he would pass it on to finance.

I have still not had payment, nor a new account to trade, which is obviously stopping me from making more profit on the account.

Now, on the other account, after I got a new account for the consistency breach, I applied for payment on February 6th and it was all done and paid for within 5/6 business days as advertised.

There is a chance that they are delaying payments in an attempt to 'balance the books' or their back office systems are just not up to scratch.

So, I'm scoring Nova Funding a 2/5 as this has caused me a lot of unnecessary time and frustration.

I will amend this if their back office systems improve and they get on top of their payments.
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.

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