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VPS / experiences
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Nov 05, 2009 at 14:51
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Hi fellow traders,
I m looking around for reliable VPS for MT4 broker platforms
Please let us all know about your experiences (NO commercials plz, we know you are the best😉)
Thank you!
I m looking around for reliable VPS for MT4 broker platforms
Please let us all know about your experiences (NO commercials plz, we know you are the best😉)
Thank you!
Участник с Aug 31, 2009
131 комментариев
Nov 05, 2009 at 22:26
Участник с Aug 31, 2009
131 комментариев
I'm with VPSLand and I give them a C+ - There will be long periods of perfect service then frustrating outages and trading week reboots. I use AlwaysUP to deal with the reboots so thats not a problem anymore but there can be trading week outages at random times. I'm actually considering Commercial Network Services or Godaddy VPS services. - I actually think that Godaddy might be the better service even though they are more expensive. - VPSLand guarantees 99.9% uptime but you wont get that!! - Its in the high 90's but you wont like those offtime fractionals.
It ain't easy being Cheesy!
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
1 комментариев
Nov 06, 2009 at 19:54
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
1 комментариев
I'm with CNS (Commercial Network Services) for almost three years now. If there is only one person using the server (3 - 4 metatrader plaforms at the same time), the value edition will be enough. If you want to have more metatrader platforms working at the same time and don't want your server to lag, you may need to upgrade to a standard edition with 2GB RAM (we share a server between 3 people 15 metatraders platforms working at the same time without any problems).
The support at CNS is great and answer your questions or requests almost immediatly. CNS does all the upgrades between friday at 5 pm (East) and sunday at 5 pm (East) to avoid any service cutoffs during the trading week.
Hope this helps.
I'm with CNS (Commercial Network Services) for almost three years now. If there is only one person using the server (3 - 4 metatrader plaforms at the same time), the value edition will be enough. If you want to have more metatrader platforms working at the same time and don't want your server to lag, you may need to upgrade to a standard edition with 2GB RAM (we share a server between 3 people 15 metatraders platforms working at the same time without any problems).
The support at CNS is great and answer your questions or requests almost immediatly. CNS does all the upgrades between friday at 5 pm (East) and sunday at 5 pm (East) to avoid any service cutoffs during the trading week.
Hope this helps.
"It is morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money." Murphy's law
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
4 комментариев
Nov 07, 2009 at 19:42
(отредактировано Nov 07, 2009 at 19:45)
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
4 комментариев
This one ( https://www.forexvps.com?a_aid=12be8d81 promo) is pretty good, it has automatic MT4 startups if reboots occur. they keep the platform up to date and the customer service is very very good. No nonsense like vpsland. They're also on a major backbone, so you'll get good connectivity.
Most of our VPS accounts are hosted here and did I say the service is good? They seem to have staff that knows what they're doing and can get you the straight scoop if there's issues. I can now sleep without worry. They also host in the UK for those on that side of the pond, although the connectivity from the US hosted side is identical. I m assuming that the UK signup is just a localized marketing tool for them.
Most of our VPS accounts are hosted here and did I say the service is good? They seem to have staff that knows what they're doing and can get you the straight scoop if there's issues. I can now sleep without worry. They also host in the UK for those on that side of the pond, although the connectivity from the US hosted side is identical. I m assuming that the UK signup is just a localized marketing tool for them.
nothing ventured nothing gained
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Nov 08, 2009 at 22:16
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Thx guys!
Only the billing department of CNS worked quick....their help desk/support is slow and chaotic so far !! 😂
If they don't improve their "support" dramatically i will switch to FOREXVPS next month.
Only the billing department of CNS worked quick....their help desk/support is slow and chaotic so far !! 😂
If they don't improve their "support" dramatically i will switch to FOREXVPS next month.
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Nov 08, 2009 at 22:57
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
fxconfidential posted:
I'm with CNS (Commercial Network Services) for almost three years now. If there is only one person using the server (3 - 4 metatrader plaforms at the same time), the value edition will be enough. If you want to have more metatrader platforms working at the same time and don't want your server to lag, you may need to upgrade to a standard edition with 2GB RAM (we share a server between 3 people 15 metatraders platforms working at the same time without any problems).
The support at CNS is great and answer your questions or requests almost immediatly. CNS does all the upgrades between friday at 5 pm (East) and sunday at 5 pm (East) to avoid any service cutoffs during the trading week.
Hope this helps.
since i set max bars on chart and history to 1000 i can run 7 platforms with 32 active EAs on the value edition and there is some RAM left for more platformes, bc i upgraded to 512 RAM. Time will tell how the execution performance looks😎
Участник с Aug 17, 2009
18 комментариев
Nov 10, 2009 at 01:49
Участник с Aug 17, 2009
18 комментариев
I am using VPSland....up to now..i get no problem.
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
4 комментариев
Nov 20, 2009 at 06:51
Участник с Oct 28, 2009
4 комментариев
wltam posted:
I am using VPSland....up to now..i get no problem.
Right. Wait till you have a problem. They're the cheapest of the bunch and you get what you paid for. I feel sorry for their sales people. Anyway. There's quite a few of those vps servers in the same building there as well as other sites (called data hotels) across the country. figure to spend at least 35 to 50$ a month for good service. It doesn't pay to run your own server, since in a power outage their neighborhood switches go down. Getting redundant net service ( wireless ) costs far more than getting a good vps and having that super fast connection eliminates any latency if you're doing any scalping.
nothing ventured nothing gained
Участник с Oct 24, 2009
23 комментариев
Nov 20, 2009 at 14:34
Участник с Oct 24, 2009
23 комментариев
Ok. I am at hosteurope. Sure not the cheapest but if you have any problems they solved them as right as well. The cheapest vps is 17.95 Euro. The service is very good and fast.
Участник с Oct 25, 2009
80 комментариев
Nov 20, 2009 at 15:49
(отредактировано Nov 20, 2009 at 15:51)
Участник с Oct 25, 2009
80 комментариев
I have the "MetaTrader VPS" with VirtualServers.com. I have had it for 3 months now, and so far so good. When I signed up, the price was 15 EUR/month, now it seems they have risen the price a bit. Their service has been very nice so far. I've called them a few times on the phone, and if you can manage with their Scottish dialect, it shouldn't be any problem. 😁
They have an SLA which guarantee 99.99% uptime, and they reply fast on email. I'm satisfied. 😁
They have an SLA which guarantee 99.99% uptime, and they reply fast on email. I'm satisfied. 😁
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Dec 02, 2009 at 23:25
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
update on CNS:
after first month with them i have to say everything works fine and no server down time so far 😎
after first month with them i have to say everything works fine and no server down time so far 😎

Участник с Nov 22, 2009
30 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 02:24
Участник с Nov 22, 2009
30 комментариев
I am with ForexVPS as well. I do have to say they have very good customer service. I have never had any problems with them. I do say using a VPS is the only way to go, no worries about the power going out or the internet connection failing. And being able to access it from anywhere is nice.

Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 07:00
Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
I been running on remote servers for years.
But I don't use the virtual ones. And definitely not one who's advertising specifically for MT4. Costs a bit more, but I think I'm substantially safer.
Sometimes I run for months without even logging in. I set MT up in the start-up menu, and then have an auto re-boot once a day in case there's a memory leak or something. If the server gets re-boot for whatever reason my stuff will just come right back up with the server.
In the last few years I can't say I've had any significant down time or interruptions. And using different directories I run up to 8 versions of MT4 on a server. Racing different variations of code to see who does best...
As said above, no more worries about electricity and net issues...
But I don't use the virtual ones. And definitely not one who's advertising specifically for MT4. Costs a bit more, but I think I'm substantially safer.
Sometimes I run for months without even logging in. I set MT up in the start-up menu, and then have an auto re-boot once a day in case there's a memory leak or something. If the server gets re-boot for whatever reason my stuff will just come right back up with the server.
In the last few years I can't say I've had any significant down time or interruptions. And using different directories I run up to 8 versions of MT4 on a server. Racing different variations of code to see who does best...
As said above, no more worries about electricity and net issues...

Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 07:06
(отредактировано Dec 04, 2009 at 07:07)
Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
I do suggest though keeping an eye on memory use, we had severe problems with 100% CPU usage leading to missed trades...
Automated re-boots goes a long way towards solving that.
Automated re-boots goes a long way towards solving that.

Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 07:20
Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
And if you're really paranoid you can always write into your code that Mt sends you an sms or mail alert say every hour and if you don't get one you know the servers not on....
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 17:16
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
... and Singa beer is even worse😲
Elkhart u didnt mention what VPS/VS provider u are using...
Elkhart u didnt mention what VPS/VS provider u are using...
Участник с Aug 31, 2009
131 комментариев
Dec 04, 2009 at 23:08
Участник с Aug 31, 2009
131 комментариев
I switched from VPSLand to ForexVPS last week AND I AM SO HAPPY!!! - My VPSLand server went down on Thursday and its still NOT up!! Since I'm not using it, I just want to see how long its gonna take for them to put it back up -JERKS!!
It ain't easy being Cheesy!

Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
Dec 05, 2009 at 01:24
Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
i don't really know to be honest, they've changed their name so many times and I rarely deal with them, my partner does, I just log into the server using remote desktop.
Godaddy and the likes offer similar stuff. Mine used to be Excite before the server industry apparently went for a mega consolidation. No idea what they call themselves now days, I'll find out when I speak to my partner again...
Godaddy and the likes offer similar stuff. Mine used to be Excite before the server industry apparently went for a mega consolidation. No idea what they call themselves now days, I'll find out when I speak to my partner again...
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
Dec 10, 2009 at 22:04
Участник с Sep 04, 2009
849 комментариев
does anyone know it? https://www.4xhosting.com/

Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
Dec 10, 2009 at 23:30
Участник с Aug 01, 2009
895 комментариев
I wouldn't go for companies specializing in forex servers. That means they know what you're doing and if owned by the mafia they'll have full access to your code. Go for companies who specializes in servers.

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