Where are good FX Managers?

Mar 13, 2010 at 17:49
13,480 Просмотры
101 Replies
Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
Mar 13, 2010 at 17:49
Hello everyone,

I am just an investor, I see the huge potential in Forex and would like to find some good FX Managers to invest in. Could someone give some hint?


Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 16:02
Hello again,

It seems to me that this is a very sensitive matter. After 2 days, there are still no reply in here but I received 2 private messages that offer help (thank you to them).

Why this is something people don't want to talk about? Anyone know anu good traders that have managed accounts please share.

I think money should flow to where it can grow (good rate & steady).

Who of you is a good FX Manager, let stand out to trade for us.

Участник с Sep 04, 2009   849 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 16:09

KingInvestor posted:
Hello again,

It seems to me that this is a very sensitive matter. After 2 days, there are still no reply in here but I received 2 private messages that offer help (thank you to them).

Why this is something people don't want to talk about? Anyone know anu good traders that have managed accounts please share.

I think money should flow to where it can grow (good rate & steady).

Who of you is a good FX Manager, let stand out to trade for us.


Who is "us" ??
Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 16:16
"Us" here are many investors that have money but don't have the time to trade or learn to trade by themself. There are many of them including me and my relatives/friends. I see a huge potential in Forex, there must be a place where investors can find good traders to invest in.

I see some good looking performance here but since Equity is not shown so it is not enough. That is why I encourage good traders stand out so that investors can invest in them. This is good for both sides.

Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 16:35
Pc8multifx, you have some very good performance curve.

You may have managed account?

Участник с Aug 20, 2009   119 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 17:44
I started a management service. You can check some of my stats at my profile here.
Contact me if you see something you like.
The link ctronics.cacus.com.ar is still under construction.

Mental note: do not abuse.
Участник с Jan 26, 2010   26 комментариев
Mar 15, 2010 at 19:37
I have managed my own money only, but have considered also managing others. I have made decent returns, but they don't stand out from the masses, since 2009 was a very good investment year (just buy&hold anything). My target is to make 20-25%
annual gain, and last year I made around 45%...In 2008 I lost something like 5% (I was only learning to trade FX then) and before 2008 I did not trade FX, only stocks (already since dot-com bubble). My equity is around 100k in Euros.

Here are some reasons why I have not made it to money management yet:
-I don't have contacts in the industry, so I would have to work hard as salesperson to get real customers (and develop contacts also)
-If I signed up couple of friends as "customers", they would have so little to invest that I would make virtually no money as management fees....e.g. 1000euros each customer would be just a nuiscance to manage.
-I barely have enough time to do all the work needed to trade FX well enough
-I want to have a good track record to show (2009 record is not enough, since the year was too easy to make money)

I live in Finland and it would propably be very diffucult to get big customers here locally. There are even no jobs here at forex industry at all. How likely it is that people would invest in my managed accounts if I would not meet them personally, but over Internet only? that would propably be again very small under 10k euros accounts.

Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
Mar 16, 2010 at 18:56
Thank you for all who reply. I have severall private messages. I will privately disscuss with each of them.

Thanks & regards,
Участник с Mar 18, 2010   111 комментариев
Mar 21, 2010 at 04:14
how does this fx manager works? i mean are you going to give your account to others or send them the money? is there a way to avoid scams? im interested in this management service. thanks.
Участник с Jan 26, 2010   26 комментариев
Mar 21, 2010 at 09:17
Hi! Of course technology can not totally prevent scams, but fx-platforms offer a method, so that you don't have to
send money to the manager at all, just give them access to trade your account, so that ONLY YOU can withdraw the
money any time you want.

I'm using Oanda as a platform, and they have a "FX manager" service, where a money manager can trade pooled FX accounts. Oanda also keeps track of the deposits/withdraws of each investor/client and also automatically takes the performance
fee for the manager whenever profit is made (high watermark principle applies).

Since I am seriously considering managing FX accounts, I would be interested to try out this "FX Manager" as a trial basis. I do not need big fees for now, so we could agree a low-fee/low-initial deposit deal, for a trial period of at least 6months, after that we could decide together, if we want to continue with some serious money/business.

My track record is not yet available here in Myfxbook, but I will put it here if interest arises. My experience as a trader is described above in my previous post.
Участник с Jan 27, 2010   55 комментариев
Mar 23, 2010 at 17:20
To manage a FX account their are several ways to avoid scam, bad traders, and payment problems.

PAMM: Percent Allocation Management Module;

Участник с Feb 12, 2010   19 комментариев
Mar 23, 2010 at 21:39 (отредактировано Mar 23, 2010 at 21:39)
just check the systems , and select a correct drawdown ...

Участник с Mar 25, 2010   190 комментариев
Apr 04, 2010 at 14:38
I´m using managed-forex-investing.com. Check the track record, then contac Carl Konstant if u like one.
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Участник с May 19, 2010   6 комментариев
May 19, 2010 at 12:55
I am an experienced trader but dont have big capital underhand to trade with yet.

I will be happy to manage one good size account for profit sharing.

You can view my recent results here.

Thank you in advance.
nothing is nothing
Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
May 21, 2010 at 22:32
There are a few traders wanted me to give them login info for them login to my account (MT4 account)so that they can trade for me.

The problem is I have account with Forex.com (UK) and the login info to MT4 platform or to "myaccount" in their website for depositing/withdrawing are the same. That is not good.

Is anyone have a better way?


Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
May 21, 2010 at 22:34

STC_83 posted:
just check the systems , and select a correct drawdown ...


Note that the drawndown appear here is balance drawndown, not Equity drawndown.

Equity curve is the number one wish list in myfxbook and they are working on it.
Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
May 21, 2010 at 22:37

pipinvestment0 posted:
To manage a FX account their are several ways to avoid scam, bad traders, and payment problems.

PAMM: Percent Allocation Management Module;

I also know that. It seems there are not many PAMM account manager.

Anyone can introduce me/us someone providing good managed account using PAMM ?

Участник с May 19, 2010   6 комментариев
May 27, 2010 at 09:41
Just made a small trading simulation.

I can obviouslly trade for much more conservative goals depending on the amount traded.

Am willing to trade one big account for profit sharing.

Thank you.
nothing is nothing
Участник с Sep 04, 2009   849 комментариев
May 27, 2010 at 12:02

goodtrading posted:
Just made a small trading simulation.

I can obviouslly trade for much more conservative goals depending on the amount traded.

Am willing to trade one big account for profit sharing.

Thank you.

9 days trade history?? A bit early for hunting clients, isn't it? 🙄
Участник с Mar 13, 2010   22 комментариев
May 28, 2010 at 02:19
I have just gotten 4 more private emails offering managed account service. Some of them have a website too.

To me, picking a good FX Manager need a lot of work. There are many people say they can trade well, but none of them can proof that yet. I think puting your account performance in Myfxbook.com is a good way to attract potential clients (althought not perfect yet since there is no Equity curve yet).

So, please so your performance first then further steps will base on that.


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