Help with indicator

Oct 20, 2020 at 17:31
687 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с May 21, 2020   9 комментариев
Oct 20, 2020 at 17:31
Can anyone review the code and explain the vertical lines that are drawn on the chart?

Here is the code:

#property strict
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_chart_window

input int InpATRperiod=14; // ATR Periods
input float InpRisk=1; // Risk Size %
input float InpSLfactor=1.5; // Stop Loss as a factor of ATR

input int InpFontSize=12; // Font size
input color InpColor=Red; // Color
input int InpBaseCorner=CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER; // Base Corner 0=UL,1=UR,2=LL,3=LR
input float InpFixedATR=0; // Fixed ATR points

string AccntC=AccountCurrency(); //Currency of Acount eg USD,GBP,EUR
string CounterC=StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3); //The Count Currency eg GBPUSD is USD
string ExC=AccntC+CounterC; //Create the Pair for account eg USDGBP

double UpTicks[];
double DownTicks[];

double Diff[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
//---- check for possible errors
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
//---- last counted bar will be recounted
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   int limit=Bars-counted_bars;

   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
   double ExCRate=1; //Assume Account is same as counter so ExCRate=1
   AccntC=AccountCurrency(); //Currency of Acount eg USD,GBP,EUR
   CounterC=StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3); //The Count Currency eg GBPUSD is USD
   ExC=AccntC+CounterC; //Create the Pair for account eg USDGBP
      ExCRate= MarketInfo(ExC,MODE_ASK); //Get the correct FX rate for the Account to Counter conversion
   if(ExCRate ==0) ExCRate=1.0;
   double ATRPoints=iATR(NULL,0,InpATRperiod,0); //Get the ATR in points to calc SL and TP
   double riskVAccntC=AccountEquity()*(InpRisk/100);
   double riskvalue=(ExCRate/1)*riskVAccntC; //Risk in Account Currency
   double slpoints=(ATRPoints*InpSLfactor); //Risk in Counter Currency
   double riskperpoint=(riskvalue/slpoints)*Point;
   double lotSize=riskperpoint; //Risk in currency per point
   int pipMult=10000;
   if(CounterC=='JPY') {
   double ATRpips=MathCeil(pipMult*ATRPoints);

    ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textATR',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('ATR(%.0f):%.0f %s', InpATRperiod,ATRpips,'pips'));
          ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textRISK',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('Risk %.1f%%:%.0f %s',InpRisk,riskVAccntC,AccntC));
           ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textlotsize',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('Lot Size At 1.5 Of ATR :%.2f',lotSize));
   //ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textBuyVolume',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('Buy Volume:%.2f',UpTicks[0]));
   ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textBuyVolume',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('Buy Volume:%.2f',UpTicks[0]));
      ObjectSetString(ChartID(),'textSellVolume',OBJPROP_TEXT,StringFormat('Sell Volume:%.2f',DownTicks[0]));


//--- forced chart redraw

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//Function to create a text field in the main Window
// Example call --- text_init(ChartID(),'textATR',1000,30,clrRed,12);
int text_init(const long current_chart_id,const string obj_label,const int x_dist,const int y_dist,const int text_color,const int font_size)

//--- creating label object (it does not have time/price coordinates)
      Print('Error: can't create label! code #',GetLastError());
//--- set distance property
Участник с Nov 07, 2020   22 комментариев
Nov 26, 2020 at 07:20
Looks like a nice quote. If you are not sure about it, I suggest trying it on your demo account first.
Участник с Nov 05, 2020   23 комментариев
Nov 30, 2020 at 10:14
You need to get in touch with a programmer who can tell you this. I am not that good at coding.
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