2%+ a Month (By fxbookporter)

Прибыль : -0.46%
Просадка 0.73%
Пипс: 38.3
Сделки 10
Тип: Реальный
Кредитное плечо: 1:33
Трейдинг: Вручную

2%+ a Month Обсуждение

Nov 24, 2020 at 12:12
621 Просмотры
4 Replies
Участник с Jul 23, 2020   22 комментариев
Dec 13, 2020 at 22:12
My broker has announced it's closing all retail accounts in Britain at the end of December, add in Brexit and covid means that I won't be trading for the rest of the month. I'll spend the rest of the month funding an alternative broker.

I'll report back once it's all sorted
Участник с Oct 21, 2020   31 комментариев
Dec 14, 2020 at 01:23
That doesn't explain why your drawdown is larger than your gain though.
Участник с Nov 28, 2009   41 комментариев
Dec 14, 2020 at 05:51
good luck.
Участник с Jul 23, 2020   22 комментариев
Dec 28, 2020 at 01:13
ColK23 posted:
That doesn't explain why your drawdown is larger than your gain though.


I opened this account in July and was going to use it for a different strategy but changed my plan (was a losing month) and only started trading the 2% system at the end of the year. Then my broker made their announcement and I stopped trading.
Участник с Jan 01, 2021   11 комментариев
Jan 06, 2021 at 01:42
I wish you the best moving forward and 2% a month is a very realistic and good target to have. Cheers.
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