Delusions Grandiose !! (By forex_trader_28881)

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Delusions Grandiose !! Обсуждение

Feb 14, 2011 at 02:18
20,793 Просмотры
496 Replies
Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 01:36
TheCyclist posted:
Look I wish you the best. Certainly put in the effort. That I can't fault.
But the speed of the equity changes and the lack of losers tell me it's an over leveraged fat tail....

i, mr coetzee, am very much a world class technologist.

now, i ask you again, what have you done for me lately?

think about it.

you are a very nice people person, in a way, sortof.

think about it.

i am going to need several trading assistants.

they wiill be paid very handsomely.

they wiill be recognized as being made men in this little trading mafia.

agaiin, just giivee it some thought.

we wiill forrm alliances, the liikes of which you probably cann nnot imagine.


Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 02:32 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 02:35)
iii useed to tell em thaat i was building the holy grail..

no you aare not,, they told mee.

okeey dokey, ii'd ssayy...

why dont you go and work up at and you ccan siit around anad tinker wiith their cccode?

cuz zero dont tiinker.

zero comes to kiick azz annd takee nameess.

i am gonnna stsommp the nonssense outta renntec.

just sit on your hands and watch.


Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 07:59 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 08:20)
ohh weell, tootlie tootlie tootliee tootlees..


tweedless deee deedles..

in my cassstlee, i will want a butleer thaat i can ccall hobaart.

oh, hobart, mind running over to thee eeast wing and fetcching for mee somee weed?

aabsolutely sir.

oh, plz, hobaart, no need to call mee sir.

lord edward will be juust fifine.

all posiitionss ccloseed.

Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 08:03 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 08:15)
ffor the reecocrd, youu are iin the hot seat.

yyou are watching an honesst to goodnesss ssosciopathicc genius at work..

now, where is that ssweet little princess of mne?

ii am waiting patiently.

shsee is absoluteely ten kndsss off wonderffufuul.


Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 10:59 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 11:00)
Sosiopath most likely.

Genius, not so much...
Участник с Jan 14, 2010   2299 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 11:07
Agree on this. Genius is usually is how others label the person. So far I see nothing of the sort.

TheCyclist posted:
    Sosiopath most likely.

Genius, not so much...
Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 11:19

And of course your average genius would have solved this math problem in about a week. But us average Joe's just have to plod trough it in a matter of years...
Участник с Jan 14, 2010   2299 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 11:32
BTW, is it really a math problem?
Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 11:43 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 11:57)
It is in fact.

It could be one of probabilities which goes with statistics and/or relationships. There is Mandelbrot's fractals.... and a few other ideas, nothing Zero here will be onto....even if he was very unlikely he'll be able to work it out. Need a genius for this.

I personally would like to apply fractals to fx but it's beyond my resources and expertise and most likely intelligence. Unlike our friend Zero I'm realistic enough to know when it's out my IQ bracket.

Fx is definitely fractal by nature. Elliot wave proves that. Best traders I know are Elliot wavers. And the math is available to take it to the next step. But I think that's one step to far for me....
Участник с Jan 14, 2010   2299 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 11:59
Ok, if it is about probabilities so I think the stops must be in place. you know, cut losers shot let profits run. i agree about statistics and it would be great to have statistics for certain situations. I simply cannot see how system like that of Zero with no hard stops can be profitable over long run. I am sure 100% he is going for another MC. It is just a matter of time. Market can be unpredictable.
Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 12:32 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 12:52)

There are other ways of handling risk. Hard stops are not required for a successful strategy, but you need to see some losses (the actual amount dependant on quality of open) going through, if none are then there is a fat tail issue for sure.

If you're not taking your losses you're running them. Simple as that. Just have to look up to see how that ends. I agree with most of what you say, but the determination of when to take a loss does not need to be hard stop, it could be an equity value for example.

@10% DD drop 3% of position or/and hedge 6% or something like that....
Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 12:41 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 12:44)
Then there's swarm theory.

But again it's beyond the scope of this lifetime for me. Love to try both of those, but will take years and more money than I currently have....
Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 12:48 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 13:09)
This is most definitely a math problem on every level, but also a trading philosophy problem. And the answer's can't really be found in manual trading any more. Those days have come and gone...

Can bet your boots Goldman Sachs and the rest of wall-street have tried both these with teams of programmers and mathematicians. One can always hope you spot something they missed, but what are the chances?

Участник с Jan 14, 2010   2299 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 15:06
I know, but I am just not capable of those strategies. I am not math person by nature. I have no idea how you are managing risk without stops as market can do whatever it wants any time.

TheCyclist posted:

There are other ways of handling risk. Hard stops are not required for a successful strategy, but you need to see some losses (the actual amount dependant on quality of open) going through, if none are then there is a fat tail issue for sure.

If you're not taking your losses you're running them. Simple as that. Just have to look up to see how that ends. I agree with most of what you say, but the determination of when to take a loss does not need to be hard stop, it could be an equity value for example.

@10% DD drop 3% of position or/and hedge 6% or something like that....
Участник с Jan 14, 2010   2299 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 15:09
I wonder how to explain success by those few super traders. Not all of them used math to trade and create strategies.

Been to gym. Nice short of adrenalin with endorphin :)
You share the love of beach with my wife. I cannot stay there more than 10-15 min.
Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 20:20 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 20:25)
Chikot posted: You share the love of beach with my wife. I cannot stay there more than 10-15 min.

actually, i might enjoy loving your wiife on the beach.

and probably for a good bit more than ten or fifteen minutes.

i am thinking that a minimum of twelve hours will be fine.


this chart begins on 06/01

Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 21:30 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 21:46)
this is a quite strange day.

i feel so very odd.

never have i quite felt this way.

i feel a sortof fullness inside.

too weird.

i will most likely not be trading for several days, no trades atm.

Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 22:51
this is the chart from that demo accct that i was playing.

acct was opened on: 07/17/2011 @ 9pm
acct was closed on: 07/22/2011 @7am

Участник с Jan 26, 2011   1367 комментариев
Jul 22, 2011 at 22:54 (отредактировано Jul 22, 2011 at 23:09)
mr deniro would make a wonderful trading assistant.

and, omg, how about that smoking smart chica..


Участник с Feb 07, 2011   724 комментариев
Jul 23, 2011 at 01:36
Some guys can really just read the market Chikot.

But I don't want to sit the rest of my life guessing markets. I need something consistent that provides day to day income. That's a bit more tricky.

I did 78% on this account manually in 3 months. I can do it again, but that's not the goal here....for me anyway.
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