House Wife (By ThinkHuge)

Прибыль : +8861.58%
Просадка 14.79%
Пипс: 43465.8
Сделки 1357
Тип: Реальный
Кредитное плечо: 1:100
Трейдинг: Неизвестно

House Wife Обсуждение

Feb 26, 2013 at 23:36
1,161 Просмотры
3 Replies
Участник с Nov 26, 2012   43 комментариев
Mar 07, 2013 at 07:23
are you selling your ea?
Участник с Feb 12, 2013   7 комментариев
Mar 08, 2013 at 09:36
Yes, however it's not an EA. It is a manual system. It will be available to follow in another few months.for updates on when this signal will be available as well as other professional forex signals.
Участник с May 04, 2012   1608 комментариев
May 07, 2013 at 09:35
Will it really be available...? In another blog entry you mentioned that the owner did not want to sell the signals?

Why is he shying away from making more money?
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Участник с Dec 04, 2010   1557 комментариев
Jun 11, 2013 at 06:14
It looks like hasn't traded since early May, is the trader still trading? looks like a great signal to subscribe to.
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