Manual technical trader at night and small business owner during the day. Entering a level in my trading where I am dialing in on the finer aspects and focusing on the story as it unfolds. My day job will soon be trading full time and the hard battle to become a true professional has been challenging to say the least. Trade at the market is my focus and only allow a position to float if my stop is in a risk free position.
Стиль трейдинга
I trade intra-day swings and daily swings. I have what most will consider a very complex system but for me it makes sense. I trade all the time frames at once using all of them to determine length I hold a position and which time frame I enter the trade on where the trade is based on higher time frame pattern. The time frame that triggers the trade is the signal time frame. I try to place two positions where the first is based off of the time frame that provided the best entry and the 2nd is @ completion of dominant pattern on higher time frame which is a confluence area of leading expansion, regular expansion 100 level and XA/AB swings to pinpoint completion of the pattern in play.

There are a few very important discoveries I made while learning to trade and they work together giving me an edge that is at first glance not possible based on modern market theories that are still the standard in Acedamia today. Some people say it's impossible to time the markets.. I agree with them and acknowledge that they can't and go about my day.
I does not matter if I lose this trade, I know I will WIN in the end.


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Systems by Divinity987

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