Merge 2 accounts data

May 10 at 04:56
125Lượt xem
5 Replies
Tham gia từ Apr 19, 2024   3bài viết
May 10 at 04:56
Hi Everyone, I was collecting data in one account for a month and for some reason account got closed and I was forced to open a new account. Is there any way I can combine the data of these 2 accounts?
I have exported the trade executions of the old account; is there any way I can upload that to the new account?
Thanks in advance
Tham gia từ May 08, 2023   62bài viết
May 10 at 13:40
What account?
What platform?
Some much needed context is missing here friend.
Tham gia từ Apr 19, 2024   3bài viết
May 12 at 04:54
Ethanishere posted:
What account?
What platform?
Some much needed context is missing here friend.
I was using AMP futures account in MT5. The first account was closed, and I had to open another account with the same broker and platform.
Tham gia từ May 08, 2023   62bài viết
May 12 at 20:28
Yeah, I am afraid you can't merge two different accounts information with each other, if anything you will have to merge the data manually.
Tham gia từ Apr 19, 2024   3bài viết
May 13 at 04:45
Ethanishere posted:
Yeah, I am afraid you can't merge two different accounts information with each other, if anything you will have to merge the data manually.
How do I do it manually?
Tham gia từ Feb 12, 2016   62bài viết
May 17 at 20:10
punithk posted:
Hi Everyone, I was collecting data in one account for a month and for some reason account got closed and I was forced to open a new account. Is there any way I can combine the data of these 2 accounts?
I have exported the trade executions of the old account; is there any way I can upload that to the new account?
Thanks in advance
I think it's not possible because interface supports downloading data connecting only to specific source, two accounts are different sources
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