
May 10 at 07:31
49Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ Apr 24, 2024   4bài viết
May 10 at 07:31
Only after failure will we seek reflection and summary.Why do most traders often lose money?
Trade your plan, plan your trade.
Tham gia từ May 08, 2023   62bài viết
May 10 at 13:13
The first part of your statement I would say is the definition of experience, which can be gained through trial and error. Most traders fail because they think it is easy, they think they have a mind that others don't and they are unwilling or cannot commit to education on the market full time. Also, it is worth mentioning that most traders are not actually traders, as it is a hobby they are exploring besides the 9 to 5 they are working.
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