The 50$ experimental system (Theo SnapTradeFX)

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The 50$ experimental systemThảo luận

Jun 15, 2011 at 06:43
3,979Lượt xem
48 Replies
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:42
With over 3000 transactions, more than 300% profits this seems to be quite the succesfull experiment. It'll be included in my PAMM accounts for brokers that allow hedging.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Oct 08, 2011 at 09:25
The PAMM account with LiteForex based on this system is running well, this week I'll open one with ThinkForex as well!
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Oct 26, 2011 at 08:11
Also selling this system to the first 100 people that request it, I don't want to flood the market with the exact same orders all over the place and make it a victim of it's own success...
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Oct 26, 2011 at 20:08
Hmm, 7 sold in the first day...93 left :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Oct 27, 2011 at 13:44
Ouch, maxDD hit with the recent euro stuff, let's see how that effects opinions :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Nov 15, 2011 at 10:12
Looks like people didn't like that, only 21 sold since my last post, that makes 72 copies left for whomever is interested!

50$ to my paypal and it's yours.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Nov 22, 2011 at 16:32
And it's picking up speed again....65 copies left :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Nov 24, 2010   10bài viết
Nov 25, 2011 at 12:47
Hey! What's your email?
Tham gia từ Nov 24, 2010   10bài viết
Nov 25, 2011 at 13:01
Found it!
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Nov 25, 2011 at 13:27
57 to go! :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Nov 30, 2011 at 14:49
Phew, nice ride on the central banks 'stimulus' today!

Anyway, still shooting up like a star, with 51 copies left to sell :)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 06, 2011 at 14:26
about 700$ left to gain and the account will have gained 9 times it's original deposit in about half a year!

And 48 copies left.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 09, 2011 at 17:53
It's nice to see the system fare perfectly fine in a seriously crazy market :) 44 copies left!
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Mar 28, 2011   942bài viết
Dec 09, 2011 at 18:08
With a pip Expectancy of : 0.9 Pips / €0.69 I'm not sure how it will do on real money, but once you run it live, please PM me. If results are good on live account, i'll buy a copy. if you have any copies by then 😀

Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 09, 2011 at 18:41
Well, with 6000 trades, should be nice with just rebates alone :) But sure, I'll let u know by then.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Aug 31, 2011   55bài viết
Dec 09, 2011 at 20:01
What is the very best advisor. so reliable, that the author sells a demo account and looking for a fool who will buy it ... If such a very best advisor trade on real!
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 10, 2011 at 13:15
Hey, I'm still in high school, I don't have any money to put on it, so that's why I'm selling it,, but thanks ;)
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Aug 31, 2011   55bài viết
Dec 10, 2011 at 17:20
Oh why explain something ... I believe you .. and trading history you just closed. 😄

Of course you have not heard anything about cent accounts .. ($ 5 - 500).... 😉

And on the Internet in the computer and found money, and $ 500 per account is not found? This is the typical excuse of a man who wants to trick people .. And if you're still in school, you're still young and stupid.😡
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 10, 2011 at 18:05
Ain't forcing you to do anything, and trading history is closed in almost every system. But fine, I'll set it to public, doesn't really matter anyway.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
Tham gia từ Jul 30, 2011   71bài viết
Dec 10, 2011 at 18:06
oh, and please keep the flaming to a minimum....a little bit of civilized behavior would look better on you if you want to argue a point.
Riding waves always leads to a fall
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