Delusions Grandiose !! (Theo forex_trader_28881)

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Delusions Grandiose !!Thảo luận

Feb 14, 2011 at 02:18
20,152Lượt xem
496 Replies
Tham gia từ Feb 07, 2011   724bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 05:34
I just been at this long enough to know how to spot trouble. And a 11% + equity swing in a few hours in a catatonic market is trouble.
Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 08:20
catatoniiic has nothingg to do wwith the price off tea iiin cchiinna.

andd, btw, you have nnoto been at thiss long enough.

you arree noto a man that sspeaks the trrruth.

you are noto a man that spseeaks your minddd.

yyou owwe mr marrgoleessee ann apology.

brucce is myy friend.


Tham gia từ Feb 07, 2011   724bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 10:11
Got everything to do with tea in China.

Mr. Margolese is running out of places to turn to, not welcome anywhere any more. Why don't you go join him on the yacht forum ?
Tham gia từ Feb 07, 2011   724bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 10:12 (đã sửa Jul 20, 2011 at 10:15)
And this is a yacht, not that piece of bamboo.
Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 17:47 (đã sửa Jul 20, 2011 at 18:11)
again, i am surrounded by kids..

what a wonderful day.


Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 18:21
TheCyclist posted: Mr. Margolese is running out of places to turn to, not welcome anywhere any more.

you might be disappoiinted when you find that i plan to invite mr margolese to join me in nassau.


Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 18:25
the demo acct is now up slightly more than 127%.

127% = 12,700.00 profit on a 10,000.00 account.

the live account is now getting ready to push into positive money..

it could back up before it makes it to the target of somewhere in the ballpark of 500 to 800 profit, no worries..

i like this new angle that i found.

if it is what i think it is, omg..

i may be having lunch wiith mr paton before too long.

i can hardly wait.

i will tell him about how i found his law firm and how mr coetzee insisted that his firm was some fly by night outfit that

was operated out of a mailbox.

i will make sure to have a copy of mr coetzee's fish story book, in hand..

i am betting that mr paton probably pees on himself when he hears that story.

i know that i will when i tell the story.

i am sure that he operates a first class operation.

all of my trading group's legal concerns will be handled exclusively by his firm.

i hope that they are way expensive.

i will be most pleased if i am their largest client, larger than all of their accounts, combined.

<i>Based in Nassau, Michael is a Partner of the firm and head of its Corporate and Commercial, Investment Funds and Banking

and Finance Groups. Michael is ranked Band 1 by Chambers Global Guide in the area of General Business Law.

Michael has spoken at numerous international conferences, has written numerous articles, and has authorized several chapters

for practitioner texts on Bahamian legal issues.

Michael is former Chairman of the Bahamas Financial Services Board (2002-2004).

Michael is also a qualified Certified Public Accountant (non practising).

Michael received his education at Radley College, England (1981), Tulane University, USA (1985) and the University of

Westminster, England (1990). He has been admitted to the Bar of England and Wales (1991), the Bahamas Bar Association (1991)

and the State of Louisiana Board of Certified Public Accountants (1986).

He is a member of Lincolns Inn, the International Bar Association and the International Tax Planning Association. He has

held the position of Director of the Bahamas Financial Services Board (2002-2006), and is currently the Director Bahamas Air

Sea Rescue Association (since 2001) and the Co-Chairman Bahamas Government Task Force on Private Pensions (since 2009).

Michael's areas of practice include Corporate, Finance, Banking, Securities, Mergers & Acquisitions, Investment Funds, Trusts

and Foundations.

i want ethan to know that i think that he is just simply joyous to work with, thank you sir.

the law of attraction is awesomely powerful..

defiine a goal.

think about the goal.

talk about the goal, constantly refining the goal.

walk towards the goal.


it works every time.


i will schedule my trip to nassau shortly...

i have been planning on making this trip for years...

and soon i will be there.

my trading group will be the most profitable group on earth...

liike a trading mafia.

way cool.

you are welcome to take your seat, mr jackson.

i welcome you..

bring your own pallet jack, you wiill need it..

i want to be able to say that i held the door open to my friend mark, tho he did not behave himself as much of a friend..

my new work will simply smoke the nonsense outta that silly little system that he robbed me of.. it turned approx 1k% in a

year, lol..

i am now window shopping for limos.

my first one will probably be a late 90's lincoln, black on black, with a J-seat, i will convert the bar into my computer


but, my favorite car is a beamer 750..

that thing is a pure rocket..

i once took one down memorial drive in houston at 170 miles per hour, right past the downtown city police station.

it has twelve cylinders and omg is it fast..

i want black on black.

none of that pimp looking nonsense, i enjoy a car that has a very serious and business like attitude.

unlike this one, which is cram packed full of a bunch of girly nonsense:

i would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to mr ethan for his never ending patience..


Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 19:48 (đã sửa Jul 20, 2011 at 20:01)
i look forward to walking in and stating that i would like to purchase that limo.

just pick a number.

and plz take your hands off my car.

just kidding.

now get your paws off of it.

i will try my best to find my old friend haythem, he is a wonderful people person.

he is a brilliant strategist, i think that he would enjoy playing sink the trader.

he used to drive limo, i always requested him when i wanted to go out to the clubs.

in the beginning, he wanted to sit in the parking lot with the car, lol..

plz, come in with me, sir.. have a soda. i insisted.

i am not sure if this is him or not, but when i come up i will track him down.

he is a very nice man.

Tham gia từ Jan 14, 2010   2299bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 19:52
old fart carrier.

zzzero posted:
    i look forward to walking in and stating that i would like to purchase that limo.

just pick a number.

and plz take your hands off my car.

just kidding.

now get your paws off of it.

Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 20:16
Chikot posted: old fart carrier.

mr chikot,

which part of your very negative and infantile responses are directed towards your achieving success?


Tham gia từ Jan 14, 2010   2299bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 21:20 (đã sửa Jul 20, 2011 at 21:21)
actually yes. all of them. it helps me to unwind. Should I be serious at all times? Look at all the posts you are making. so far have seen no contribution or anything. You are just making yourself feel good. so I am.
But you are right, i probably should stick to my own trading.
Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 21:23 (đã sửa Jul 20, 2011 at 21:40)
when i was a kid, we used to smoke weed and get totally wasted and listen to stuff like this..

definitely crank it up..

Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 21:28

Chikot posted:
    actually yes. all of them. it helps me to unwind. Should I be serious at all times? Look at all the posts you are making. so far have seen no contribution or anything. You are just making yourself feel good. so I am.
But you are right, i probably should stick to my own trading.

go eff yourself.

Tham gia từ Jan 14, 2010   2299bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 21:32
same to you.

zzzero posted:
Chikot posted:
    actually yes. all of them. it helps me to unwind. Should I be serious at all times? Look at all the posts you are making. so far have seen no contribution or anything. You are just making yourself feel good. so I am.
But you are right, i probably should stick to my own trading.

go eff yourself.


Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 20, 2011 at 23:15
omg, i am riding one of those fat tails...

oh, wait, it is in my favor...

ooh, this is cool..

soon.. soon.. soon..
Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 21, 2011 at 05:11
uh-oh, that fat tail is wrapping itself around my neck.




Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 21, 2011 at 17:16
the top system isi my live acct, the bottom one iis demo.

the deemo thiingy is what ii am gonna play next, it is smsmsmsmookkkiing hot hot hot.

no, iit aint, zero, youu all say...

and ii say, it aiint?

no, zero, it aiint.

oh, i say.

ii am gong to liive in a casttle, i say.

iiit would help if i couuld gete some help, i have always said.

why do you need help, zero, they ask...

cuz ii am tiired as phk, i say.

Tham gia từ Feb 07, 2011   724bài viết
Jul 21, 2011 at 23:05
Look I wish you the best. Certainly put in the effort. That I can't fault.

But the speed of the equity changes and the lack of losers tell me it's an over leveraged fat tail....
Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 22, 2011 at 00:16
thaank you, mmr coetzeee.

target profit on the livee acct is +400.00

the lower acct is this new way to look at thee numbers, i will bee playiinng that liivee neext time.

but, i wont be ablee to turn as mmucch profiiit, ass ii am playiing 200:1 onn that demo, but ii trade @ 50;1.

if the above demo were traded at 50:1, marginn requiiremennt would have beeen 4x5638=22552.00, which iit is not posssible on a 10k acct.

i would likee to tradee that ibfx austraaliiann that offfers 400 or 500:1, that should bee ennough sos that ii can turnn 200%
moves everey tiimme.

speed of equitiy chhanges meeanns nothingn, mr coeetzee.

plz stop trying to teell me how to run my busiiness.

Tham gia từ Jan 26, 2011   1367bài viết
Jul 22, 2011 at 00:30 (đã sửa Jul 22, 2011 at 00:55)
i just got booted from some romper room sadism/masochiissmm websisiite:

<b>You are hereby notified that you are not authorized to use this computer system and/or network.

Administrative comments
smoknfx dupe/harassement
Unauthorized use of this computer system and/or network may result in civil and criminal penalties, including those

provided by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030), the Virginia Computer Crimes Act (Va. Code Ann.

§ 18.2-152.2), and the Washington Commercial Electronic Mail Act ( Wash. Rev. Code Chapter 19.190).

Most countries have similar laws on the books, and we do forward records to international computer crimes


911, what isiss your emergeenccy?

uh, wee have this guy over here, he keepss postsiiinng at our sssite?

diid yyou assk hiim to stsop postiing?


what kind oof weebsitiee doo you operate, sir?

oh, we aree a bunch of freaks that like to tiee eeaacch other uup aannd beeat theee phkn nonsenseee out of eeach othere, etc..


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