TempestFx (Theo TempestFx)

Mức sinh lời : +45283.77%
Mức sụt vốn 12.70%
Pip: 1236.8
Giao dịch 83
Đã thắng:
Loại: Thực
Đòn bẩy: 1:500
Giao dịch: Không xác định

TempestFxThảo luận

Aug 11, 2023 at 19:56
1,011Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ Jan 16, 2021   1bài viết
Aug 12, 2023 at 15:26
I applaud you! I am 55 and still trading/learning. Learned about Forex at the age of 50. Is there any way to follow you? Amazing, amazing!!!
Tham gia từ Jul 17, 2023   1bài viết
Sep 22, 2023 at 17:31
ForexNChill posted:
I applaud you! I am 55 and still trading/learning. Learned about Forex at the age of 50. Is there any way to follow you? Amazing, amazing!!!
everything we offer mate is on our website at www.tempestforex.net , we offer signals, weekly calls, trade breakdown videos and mentorship
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