Đăng bởi: heruiqbal

trong heruiqbal chart Dec 28, 2012 at 12:33
Tonight .. Target 1.3350 could it be achieved ??? Let's see together .. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3351822/EurUsdH30_2.png
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 27, 2012 at 15:18
Notice with the charts only is not enough. Sometimes to predict market movements, we need to also hear something mystical and occult, is like to believe what we dream about it. (Heru Iqbal)
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 25, 2012 at 13:31
It's Cool :-) http://www.myfxbook.com/files/heruiqbal/charts/EURUSD_H4_5Kie0WYEJR.png
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 24, 2012 at 03:53
If I told you that, forex trading requires conviction. Now look back at this picture -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3351822/CrazyTrade2.jpg After 2 hours, which previously I would have suffered a loss. But now I've got profits If 2 hours ago, I closed all my orders because I was afraid of losing, this time I'm definitely regret it. That is why, in each of Forex trading requires strong conviction, not merely glued to the indicator or EA Robots.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 24, 2012 at 00:44
The conviction was necessary at any Trading forex. Look at this picture -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3351822/CrazyTrader.jpg My Black-Box Trading System said, this is not the right time to open BUY position, but I'm still BUY...... and LOSS :-)
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 22, 2012 at 10:48
Last night I had a dream. In my dream, I saw the chart EUR USD, rise upwards heading to 1.3350. Maybe, this is a bit irrational and mystical. But, if you believe in something supernatural. Tomorrow, you may open your order at a Buy position with TP 1.3350. Who knows, my dream is actually going to happen like that. Once again .. My analysis of this time is mystical and occult. You may follow or ignored. The best, we'll see the truth of this analysis, next week.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 20, 2012 at 17:33
Today, I will give you tips about "how to keep your trade is always profitable". 1. Be patient and hold your desire to enter the market, before you're sure that the direction of the market will indeed be headed a goal, with bright and clear. 2. Don't ever think, if this can happen or not happen. Because it was not you who decide whether it can happen or not happen. 3. Dont hesitate to immediately close the order that you do, if you feel there are signs the market is not in line with your wishes. Even though it makes you lose your money, 4. And last .. Do not ever regret it and feel guilty if your money is gone. Because when you decide to get into forex, actually you did something wrong. That is a tips that can I give to you. Think about it ..
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 19, 2012 at 09:43
Honestly .. I didn't like with the results of analysis and prediction that I've created, Like This..! I want the euro down, did not rise upwards !!
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 19, 2012 at 03:51
Do you remember, when on the last Monday, I said the euro will reach 1.32450? And now, it turns out is really happening. Maybe, if we only think about the profit only, today I should be happy. But .. honestly, today I'm not happy. Because if this happens, it means that the people around us would find it difficult to get his needs. Prices of food becomes more expensive and not affordable by them. For that reason, I hate to analyze and predict price movements, even if the result is frustrating a lot of people who do not know anything. Just for you know, since last Monday, I had a lot of spending money to intervene in the market, so the price can come down and what I predicted, it can not happen. But .. apparently my money is not enough to stop this increase. For that reason, if you had the power to stop these increases, please stop this .. So that people around the world, can come back to buy food. Thank you.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 18, 2012 at 16:31
I don't this Worst Case Scenario..!!! Now, I'm waiting to 1.32110 to droping Euro to 1.12870.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 15, 2012 at 19:06
The Worst Case Scenario about EUR ~ USD. So what do you think, buddy ??
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 14, 2012 at 18:29
Attention!! From now on, it's time for you to return a profit. if tommorow, the price can go up and touch> 1.3170 again, then do not hesitate to entry SELL, SELL and SELL, with a TP at 1.2870. Believe it or not Let the time to prove it. As you know, I was telling the truth about it.!
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 14, 2012 at 16:36
Tonight, we have proved that predicting forex without using any indicators, but enough with the naked eye observation, was able to provide accurate and precise results. You have all become witnesses. right ??
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 14, 2012 at 16:15
Tonight, we have proved NEWTON'S THIRD LAW, that states "For every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction", absolutely applies in Forex !!
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 13, 2012 at 12:58
Yes EaRLL, moreover there will be news from the U.S.A. on Retail Sales (MoM), the impact is strong enough to toss Euro upwards.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 13, 2012 at 12:52
It is unfortunate, it seems the market can not go down. The market still wants to continue upward, penetrating the target is still not achieved.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 13, 2012 at 00:59
if the Euro can drop back to 1.3053, then we put him down to 1.2760 ..BUT.. if not, then let the EURO continue to rise until the end of the year.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 12, 2012 at 17:47
Awesome .. Prices rise according to predictions. That's the advantages of Fibonacci.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 12, 2012 at 13:07
Finally, ... our goal has been achieved today. If you still want to achieve the target is higher than 1.3150, please go ahead .. but if I were you, it's better to wait until the market is clearly going where. Now... maybe it's better if we take a break, enjoy the profit that we have gained during these 3 days, like going shopping to the mall, or go to the club.. or go to the beach.. Whatever you like. Life is not just trading forex.. Thank you for your attention.
trong heruiqbal chart Dec 12, 2012 at 00:40
@clixmoneyacc: Algorithmics trading system that I used, is the result of my own development. I make it through the Delphi programming language. As you know, I was a computer programmer in the Oil & Gas companies. Every day I see the movement of the SPM, Pressure and Temperature of Tubing and Casing on wells through a computer program that we have developed. Basically, the price movements in the forex and oil well data that I see, it almost similar. It means, there is a trigger that causes a rise or fall. For this reason, I was developed Algorithmics trading system, to help me detect the the presence or absence these triggers. Remember, the price movement is done by humans, so the Algorithmics trading system is only for references and not for execution. To decide Buy or Sell, of course, only the humans is can do it better, not a computer program. And that, too, is only human who has experienced in see whether or not a change in the graph. Unfortunately .. This skill can not occur in just a day, but it could be years. And That's me .. :-)