10kto1millionhồ sơ nhà giao dịch


Thông tin

Tên 10kto1million

Tiểu sử:
I am a full time Forex trader, funds manager and educator. I own and operate www.TheForexTradingCoach.com and have clients in 25 + Countries around the world.

I teach my clients how to trade using the same methods that I use myself everyday. Clients can be taught either live in person, via private webinar session or via a series of online videos. Follow up help and support is from custom made software, daily trading suggestions (the same trades that I am running on this account) and fortnightly live clients only webinars.

Please visit www.TheForexTradingCoach.com for details of how to start learning.

Phong cách giao dịch:
I am a 100% tecxhnical trader using price action as my main guide. I use candle patterns and back them up with support and resistance levels, pivot points, Bollinger bands, round numbers, Fibonacci levels and divergence.

Trade what you see and not what you think.

Phương châm:
Get yourself educated by a professional trader and learn how to trade for yourself

Kinh nghiệm Trên 5 năm

Vị trí

Người đảm bảo 0

Đã đăng ký Mar 22, 2011 at 09:15

Người dùng bị chặn 0

Hoạt động gần đây của 10kto1million

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Biểu đồ

Hệ thống của 10kto1million

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
The Forex Trading Coach 10k Challenge 19.87% 16.70% 4671.7 Thủ công 1:100 Thực

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