FXTChồ sơ nhà giao dịch

Thông tin


Tiểu sử:
HK Forex Trader Community is aim to provide a social platform for Forex traders in Hong Kong and the rest of the world to share and exchange trading ideas and learn from each other.

A live trading record will be updated daily by the owner (Forex Ninja) of the community, it is aim to help anyone passion in forex trading to follow as well as for expert professionals to give comments.

To encourage positive environment in the community, only constructive feedbacks and ideas are welcome. Any abuse will get ban immediately

Phong cách giao dịch:
Technical and Fundamental

Phương châm:
忍者 : Trading is all about patience, Market is always there for you, just make sure you are there for the market

Kinh nghiệm Trên 5 năm

Vị trí -

Người đảm bảo 0

Đã đăng ký Sep 20, 2010 at 13:59

Người dùng bị chặn 0

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