JSJCAPITALhồ sơ nhà giao dịch


Thông tin


Tiểu sử:
JSJ Capital is a private international investment firm specializing in trading, speculating, and hedging activities in the Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) market for it's own accounts. JSJ Capital has a team of four International traders located in Austin, Miami, New York, and London, directed by Mr. Jaafar, who has over 20 years active market experience. He is primarily responsible for the management of all global Forex trading related activities, and utilizes his own unique intra-day system which is under constant evaluation for optimum performance. He applies market analysis and business economics. JSJ Capital was founded with the view of being able to include currency trading in it's investment portfolio with the concentration on “preservation of wealth, tax efficiency and privacy”. In addition to currency trading, JSJ Capital's investments and trading activities include global equity market investments and speculation in the commodity markets through various financial instruments. (Oil, Metals, Equity Indexes, Etc.)

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Kinh nghiệm Trên 5 năm

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Đã đăng ký Aug 20, 2016 at 19:24

Người dùng bị chặn 0

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