ProfitFxSignalhồ sơ nhà giao dịch


Thông tin

Tên ProfitFxSignal

Tiểu sử:
Professional Expertise Worth Paying For.
Our team is a group of highly professional traders with many years of forex trading experience. We trade for multinationals, financial institutions, banks, forex brokers and money managers.

With the help of our credible service, we'll show you how to make a lucrative living from forex trading.

After you subscribe, you'll quickly realise our accuracy, expertise and years of experience is worth the investment.

Because your success is ours - and we do not like to fail.

It's why we are the only forex signal provider that has never suffered a negative trading month. Nothing beats our performance.

Phong cách giao dịch:
Our technique has been tested over many years. We have access to real-time critical information that allows us to assess when and where prices will move. We know when an Asian central bank is about to buy or sell EUR/USD and what price they will offer, or when England central bank plan to defend GBP at market. There are no assumptions or predictions - just facts.

We see actual bank orders way before you notice this when reflected in prices from your broker on a basic platform. This sort of priceless information is synergized with other critical indicators in addition to out systems, analysis and professional techniques to provide you with the best forex signal service you'll find.

Phương châm:
Honesty is our primary, essential value.

Kinh nghiệm Trên 5 năm

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Đã đăng ký Dec 08, 2012 at 15:57

Người dùng bị chặn 2

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Biểu đồ

Hệ thống của ProfitFxSignal

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
PFXS - HF ULTIMATE DEMO 85.81% 41.51% 22353.5 Thủ công 1:500 Demo
Professional Archived 150.03% 86.67% 54563.7 Thủ công 1:500 Demo
PFXS Gold account 24.12% 49.44% 17379.7 Thủ công 1:500 Demo
Pearl FX PRO Archived 11.19% 10.12% 48151.4 Thủ công 1:500 Demo
Standard Archived 36.03% 15.84% 4280.2 - 1:500 Demo
Ultimate Archived 12.35% 8.54% 28044.3 - 1:500 Demo
Professional Archived 11.35% 4.24% 5033.9 - 1:30 Demo

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