Tiểu sử
Lets not only think and worry only about trading live is way more important so, I enjoy rugby, cricket, scuba diving and gym. I do spend too much time in front of the screens doing research and designing automated algo strategies.

I have been designing and deploying strategies to trade markets for 10+ years.

MT4/5 accounts - I do not sell EAs for this account. Copy the account via SignalStart
CTrader accounts - can be copied via CTrader Copy
Phong cách giao dịch
Automated and technical. I use some fundamentals to help confirm signals, but very very few and very infrequently.

I stay away from manual trading as I am a bad, very bad, manual trader.
Phương châm
I might know the future, but I cannot change what will happen. I can only position myself to profit.

Biểu đồ

Hệ thống của davidp13

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
LimitFX 385 1507.22% 93.89% 10768.0 Tự động 1:1000 Thực
MeanReversion 136 77.73% 80.09% -28816.6 Hỗn hợp 1:500 Thực
KillerFX 583 482.59% 78.80% -40927.8 Tự động 1:1000 Thực
FX USD 55.01% 62.05% -22805.1 Tự động 1:1000 Thực
HotDog 919 -71.96% 82.59% -30643.3 Tự động 1:500 Thực