xkun1028hồ sơ nhà giao dịch


Thông tin

Tên xkun1028

Tiểu sử:

[email protected]

FortYorkTrading is one of signal providers in United-Signals.com

Phong cách giao dịch:
This trading system relies upon the research and analysis of global economic issues, market trends and breakouts to determine entry and exit points. It’s characterized by strict money management controls with the basic objective being to risk no more than 5% of capital in any single trade. Normally, the portfolio holds no more than six positions, and most typically the portfolio holds three positions.

Phương châm:
Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego

Kinh nghiệm Trên 5 năm

Vị trí

Người đảm bảo 0

Đã đăng ký Sep 15, 2010 at 02:09

Người dùng bị chặn 0

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