Forex Knight RiderĐiểm đánh giá

Tổng điểm: 1.8 / 5

Tổng lượt bình chọn: 2
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận
Dễ sử dụng
Định giá
Hỗ trợ khách hàng
1 - tệ nhất 5 - tốt nhất

Forex Knight RiderThảo luận

8bài viết
Ya its just a waste
159bài viết
Someone posted ONE vote giving this EA an overall score of 4: 5s for all the categories but ZERO for other words, a great waste of code?

And not a single comment...

If you think this EA is great, post a comment, show who you are and let us see the results! A picture is worth a thousand words, show us your chart!
Take your profits while you can or the market will take them from you
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