Analysis financial markets based on Gann theory

May 10, 2023 at 04:27
2 Replies
会员从May 09, 2023开始   2帖子
May 10, 2023 at 04:27 (已编辑 May 09, 2023 at 15:49)
Bullish Trend
Pivot Date: 2022-09-26 (225 days ago)
Last Update: 2023-05-07


Support and Resistance Levels:
Degree Support Resistance
45º 0.92572 0.9564
90º 0.91057 0.97193
135º 0.89555 0.98758
180º 0.88065 1.00335
225º 0.86587 1.01925
270º 0.85122 1.03528
315º 0.8367 1.05143
360º 0.8223 1.0677


Square of Price and Time:

Top Date: 04 Mar 2021
Bottom Date: 26 Sep 2022

Price High: 1.11518 ⟶ 234°
Price Low: 0.94077 ⟶ 72°

Price Range: 0.17 ⟶ 157°
Work Day: 407 ⟶ 162°
Calendar Day: 571 ⟶ 112°

Result :
• The calendar day is squared with the price range (Tolerance: 5 degrees)
• The bars count is squared with the price range (Tolerance: 0 degree; Multiple of 90)


会员从Oct 18, 2021开始   93帖子
May 16, 2023 at 10:38
To be honest, I'm not strong in Gann theory. But the last post piqued my interest. I will read more about it.
会员从May 09, 2023开始   2帖子
May 16, 2023 at 11:16
The Gann pattern is an old method of technical analysis that has remained popular due to its efficiency. This method was introduced by Mr. William Delbert Gann, who was a prominent American trader and theorist, in 1935.
Gann uses a set of techniques to get the desired result. He was an outstanding mathematician and had an accurate and quick memory.

 As professional traders, we need three criterion to make safe and successful transactions:
1. Market trends (Bullish , Bearish)
2. Valid support and resistance levels
3. A tested and trusted personal strategy

In Elabin. com, we provide market trends and reliable support and resistance levels based on the rules of the Gann theory, we predict the market trend movement in four states:
1.Prone to rise, 2.Bullish, 3.Prone to fall, 4.Bearish.
Finally, you have to combine the predicted state of market movement (Bullish or Bearish) with your personal strategy and get the best entry and exit point. Have professional and profitable trades!

Gann theory predicts the financial markets based on the study of three behaviors: time, price, and pattern.
Gann analysis and transactions were completely based on numerical and geometric relationships, which why it has high complexity and difficulty understanding.
Our professional analysts analyze various financial markets such as forex, oil, gold and cryptocurrencies using of Gann theory rules and formulas, and then provide the results to traders.
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