Beginners Greed

Sep 19, 2019 at 10:26
107 Replies
会员从Nov 06, 2018开始   83帖子
Mar 06, 2020 at 12:17
Roberto21 posted:
Greed and emotions almost same. Generally beginners attacked by this common human nature. We can control this by proper trading practice as well great discipline.

Unfortunately it's human emotion, you just need to combat it.
会员从Dec 19, 2019开始   69帖子
Mar 12, 2020 at 01:29
Write out each trade TP,SL why you taking the trade ,max loss for the day ,best time ,events for the day,time between trades,do this for 25 trades to start with,this will force you to think instead of emotion ruling
Strength and honor.
会员从Feb 28, 2020开始   77帖子
Mar 12, 2020 at 05:30
I can never be greedy, I take what ever the market offers, greediness is bad.
会员从Feb 13, 2020开始   23帖子
Mar 12, 2020 at 14:31
Yeah I was greedy in the very beginning .... Lost a lot.
You can't possibly earl ALL money. Just remind yourself that and you'll be golden.
会员从Mar 23, 2020开始   63帖子
Mar 24, 2020 at 08:27
PeteLanceley posted:
Roberto21 posted:
Greed and emotions almost same. Generally beginners attacked by this common human nature. We can control this by proper trading practice as well great discipline.

Unfortunately it's human emotion, you just need to combat it.
Combating it is the real difficult part I think.
会员从Mar 25, 2020开始   9帖子
Mar 25, 2020 at 11:02
Steve75 posted:
Being greedy in life and forex can make one only lose everything, but its human emotions to get greedy at times.

So try not to be greedy and trade forex with smartness and not greediness.

Easier said than done. We all come to Forex to make more money. Is that not greedy?
会员从Mar 23, 2020开始   63帖子
Mar 29, 2020 at 11:00
Steve75 posted:

So try not to be greedy and trade forex with smartness and not greediness.
Well that can be difficult to achieve at times.
会员从Oct 07, 2019开始   39帖子
Apr 02, 2020 at 07:51
jordonjamesson posted:
Yeah I was greedy in the very beginning .... Lost a lot.
You can't possibly earl ALL money. Just remind yourself that and you'll be golden.
Right. It has happened with me in the initial days because of my greediness i used to over trade but learnt a lesson and i am doing fine now.
会员从Feb 28, 2020开始   77帖子
Apr 02, 2020 at 08:20
Only get Greedy at the right time, otherwise your a burnt, but don't get greedy
会员从Oct 19, 2019开始   34帖子
Apr 02, 2020 at 11:13
Greed can really have negative impacts on your trades. Its better to become realistic and practical rather than being sorry after incurring losses.
会员从Apr 01, 2020开始   3帖子
Apr 02, 2020 at 11:17
Greed is the worst emotion, emotional trading is bad and let you loose
会员从Apr 02, 2020开始   39帖子
Apr 02, 2020 at 11:17
I agree as well, greed is the cause for most of my profits turned into losts.
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
Apr 26, 2020 at 23:30
Roberto21 posted:
Greed and emotions almost same. Generally beginners attacked by this common human nature. We can control this by proper trading practice as well great discipline.

Combine emotions and brains, that's your best strategy.
F*** it we ball!
会员从Apr 01, 2020开始   231帖子
May 06, 2020 at 00:34
Greed is the killer for trading and also it is the worst emotion and if you have no control over your emotions then it will be difficult for you to make profit consistently in forex.
会员从Mar 02, 2020开始   14帖子
May 14, 2020 at 14:44
FirstHero posted:
Do not suppress emotions, you need to manage them. Only full control over the mind, emotions and body can give a positive result.
totally agree. people are trying to suppress emotions, and as a result, emotions are build up and then one day just... BOOM. Do not suppress them - learn how to control them, learn how to use them in your favor, make them your strength. Don't let emotions to ruin your life.
会员从Jan 03, 2018开始   162帖子
May 14, 2020 at 14:46
accept losses is a good way to learn
会员从Apr 18, 2020开始   54帖子
May 15, 2020 at 07:07
nick3232 posted:
accept losses is a good way to learn
Well not all do that. Rather majority quits trading if they incur a lot of losses.
会员从Aug 11, 2017开始   886帖子
Jun 18, 2020 at 05:58
The beginner should use demo account minimum for three months, sometimes many brokers organize demo contest with real money prizing. Newcomers can join here. It could be great to acquire real trading exeprince.
会员从Apr 28, 2020开始   52帖子
Jun 18, 2020 at 07:03
nick3232 posted:
accept losses is a good way to learn

Exactly. That is the only way one can succeed in forex. Those who run from it don't go too far. Losses and profits must be seen as a part of trading the same way as sadness and happiness is a part of life.
会员从Mar 03, 2020开始   10帖子
Jun 19, 2020 at 03:47
There is a secret, and it's quite simple, really. If you are greedy - you won't be able to succeed on Forex. Forex hates greedy people and punish them hard. So God bless.
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