Favorite financial markets movies and series?

Apr 27, 2020 at 00:01
61 Replies
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
Apr 27, 2020 at 00:01
My favorite one's are:

-Margin call
-Wolf of wall street
-The big short
-Wall street (1 and 2)
-Too big to fall
-Inside job (even though, this is more a documental)
-To catch a trader (Documental as well, but there is a rumor that Bobby Axelrod was inspired by Steve Cohen and his stunts)


-Wall street warriors (You can find it on youtube)
-Million dollar traders (You can find it on youtube)

What are your favorites? Any suggestions?
F*** it we ball!
会员从Oct 07, 2019开始   39帖子
Apr 27, 2020 at 08:14
Thanks for sharing the list. Will consider these to watch it.
会员从Aug 26, 2019开始   50帖子
Apr 27, 2020 at 10:24
There's a Korean Series called "Midas". In my opinion, it's the best. 😄
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
Apr 27, 2020 at 16:36
zdfy posted:
There's a Korean Series called "Midas". In my opinion, it's the best. 😄

I got to see it now, any links you can share?
F*** it we ball!
会员从May 16, 2014开始   10帖子
May 03, 2020 at 09:59
+1 to Billions, season 5 is starting now 😀
I don't throw darts at a board – I bet on sure things.
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
May 04, 2020 at 20:30
McLeonis posted:
+1 to Billions, season 5 is starting now 😀

Oh my, I'm very excited about this!
F*** it we ball!
会员从Mar 03, 2020开始   18帖子
May 08, 2020 at 03:51
Wolf of wall street and The big short. Love them. Good plot. Nice characters! Love them.
会员从Apr 28, 2020开始   49帖子
May 08, 2020 at 08:02
I have seen Margin call. Its amazing.
会员从May 08, 2020开始   9帖子
May 08, 2020 at 10:38
Margin call - best trading film ever. If you want to learn about the importance of stop losses and money management then this film is critical viewing
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
May 08, 2020 at 15:43 (已编辑 May 08, 2020 at 15:43)
protrader69120 posted:
Wolf of wall street and The big short. Love them. Good plot. Nice characters! Love them.

I agree, I guess hollywood will be making a movie about how the covid affected financial markets, who lost and profit.

Evelyn55 posted:
I have seen Margin call. Its amazing.

One of my favorites. Have you seen wall street warriors on youtube? If not, I recommend it.

shirtgeek posted:
Margin call - best trading film ever. If you want to learn about the importance of stop losses and money management then this film is critical viewing

I agree. Even after 2008, many advisors, investment banks, and stock brokers, are still not using stop losses nor managing their risk well. Some retail traders do a better job.
F*** it we ball!
会员从Jan 29, 2020开始   22帖子
May 09, 2020 at 10:50
I haven't seen many of those movies, but my favorite movie was and still is Trading Places (1983).
Eddie Murphy, Dan Ackroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis have created an unforgettable trio in this great movie hit. The main characters are full of opposites. One of them is Louis Winthorpe, who runs the business of a large company that makes a lot of profit. The other is an uneducated tramp Billy Ray Valentine, dissatisfied with his life. What could they have in common? Absolutely nothing. They would never have met if it wasn't for one so-called experiment. I really recommend watching a movie.
会员从Apr 18, 2020开始   55帖子
May 11, 2020 at 07:19
Great suggestions in here. Surprisingly, I have not seen so many of them. I will surely pick up a few soon.
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
May 11, 2020 at 15:25
Fordrerne posted:
I haven't seen many of those movies, but my favorite movie was and still is Trading Places (1983).
Eddie Murphy, Dan Ackroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis have created an unforgettable trio in this great movie hit. The main characters are full of opposites. One of them is Louis Winthorpe, who runs the business of a large company that makes a lot of profit. The other is an uneducated tramp Billy Ray Valentine, dissatisfied with his life. What could they have in common? Absolutely nothing. They would never have met if it wasn't for one so-called experiment. I really recommend watching a movie.

I saw it last week, amazing movie! I enjoyed it very much!

Brick_56 posted:
Great suggestions in here. Surprisingly, I have not seen so many of them. I will surely pick up a few soon.

Which ones caught your attention?
F*** it we ball!
会员从May 06, 2020开始   7帖子
May 13, 2020 at 04:14
I would say Wall street, margin call and wolf of wall street are MUST watch. Great movies for finance professionals
会员从Feb 13, 2020开始   21帖子
May 13, 2020 at 16:05
The China Hustle is just beyond amazing!
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
May 16, 2020 at 05:50
simmonjoshua posted:
I would say Wall street, margin call and wolf of wall street are MUST watch. Great movies for finance professionals

True that!

jordonjamesson posted:
The China Hustle is just beyond amazing!

Haven't seen it, I will look it up!
F*** it we ball!
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
May 28, 2020 at 12:01
Emelian24 posted:
It's strange that I haven't seen most of these movies.

If you have time, watch them all!
F*** it we ball!
会员从Oct 21, 2019开始   23帖子
May 30, 2020 at 15:51
I may not be unique, but I like the Wall Street Wolf.
会员从Jan 01, 2020开始   19帖子
May 30, 2020 at 17:32
Hmm, and I've never seen any of this.
Well, I'm gonna go over the whole list and pick something for tonight.
会员从May 22, 2017开始   85帖子
Jun 01, 2020 at 05:02
Draggyr posted:
I may not be unique, but I like the Wall Street Wolf.

Jordan Belfort's life is a big lesson.

Thorgahuginn posted:
Hmm, and I've never seen any of this.
Well, I'm gonna go over the whole list and pick something for tonight.

Let me know what you watched.
F*** it we ball!
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