Forex is good in terms of return

Dec 31, 2020 at 13:19
29 Replies
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始   749帖子
Dec 31, 2020 at 13:19
Forex is good in terms of return it gives if you are skilled trader. Otherwise forex trading is the most difficult job in the world. You have to be enough knowledgeable and skilled. And the psychological aspect of trading makes the trading more difficult.
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始   696帖子
Dec 31, 2020 at 17:13
True. Learning is the most important aspect for success in trading.
会员从Dec 21, 2020开始   32帖子
Jan 04, 2021 at 07:22 (已编辑 Jan 04, 2021 at 07:27)
I am happy while trading forex and earning enough profits out of it.
会员从May 24, 2020开始   102帖子
Jan 04, 2021 at 09:55
In the Forex market, if you trade competently and sensibly, taking into account all the points that you need to know, you can make good money
会员从Sep 23, 2020开始   41帖子
Jan 04, 2021 at 11:30
Well I agree. Nothing comes for free an so is the case with forex. Need to put a lot of efforts, learning and practice out there in order to generate returns in forex.
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始   84帖子
Jan 05, 2021 at 05:35
On my case, I blew a couple of accounts. 😆 But I know it would be worth it. Just keep on learning from your mistakes. Make the necessary adjustments as your learn more.
Trading is a marathon, not a sprint.
会员从Sep 15, 2020开始   20帖子
Jan 05, 2021 at 08:12
Yes, forex trading gives good returns because of its volatility and leveraged product, but only skilled and knowledgeable traders will win in the long term.

It's hard to keep consistent profits for the long run.

And it's a stressful job.
会员从Jul 27, 2020开始   99帖子
Jan 05, 2021 at 08:23
Depending how much strategy you have used in the trading, but yes it is a good return in short term
会员从Nov 24, 2020开始   14帖子
Jan 05, 2021 at 10:56
That is right. Without proper knowledge of forex, it is very difficult to trade. Every trader should also have a proper trading mindset for achieving some level of success. The returns are achievable at times and sometimes even getting 1% of overall profit is difficult. Since trading forex is risky, getting any amount of return feels like an achievement to me. I trade with some cost effective and low spread brokers that fulfil my trading needs.
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始   283帖子
Jan 10, 2021 at 19:42
Yes. making money from this market is very simple. You need to have proper knowledge and experience. With your knowledge and experience, you can make a profitable plan and make money from this risky market easily.
会员从Dec 21, 2020开始   32帖子
Jan 12, 2021 at 10:27
cardigan posted:
Depending how much strategy you have used in the trading, but yes it is a good return in short term

And long term too?
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始   84帖子
Jan 12, 2021 at 13:49
That's where consistency comes in. You can be making 100% a month for 6 months or maybe years then loses 100% in a day. Bye capital.

What you need is a good strategy that can possibly give a consistent return. It would always be better to go with the side of cautiousness and lower profit but safe capital than with aggressiveness with huge returns but could lead to a blown up account.
Trading is a marathon, not a sprint.
会员从Dec 01, 2020开始   16帖子
Feb 10, 2021 at 09:34
That's right. Expert traders make some good amount of returns from trading forex. There is a lot of scope with it if you have the knowledge and skills to trade.
会员从Oct 05, 2020开始   18帖子
Feb 10, 2021 at 10:55
Yes it is, but only those who are serious about this field, get good returns here. Being consistent with your earnings is the most difficult part though.
会员从Nov 19, 2020开始   96帖子
Feb 11, 2021 at 05:25
Yes, one has to be passionate about making wins in the particular field, be it forex or any other. If someone is taking the play lightly, then there's hardly a chance that goals will be achieved by him.
会员从Nov 03, 2020开始   63帖子
Feb 11, 2021 at 08:05
If you approach trading wisely, you can really get a good income, which is why I started using copy trading RAMM from Amarkets and started earning at the professional level.
会员从Sep 12, 2017开始   232帖子
Mar 11, 2021 at 08:13
Yes it can be a good return but only if the trader is consistent and have willingness to learn. but that alsso does not guarantee profit
会员从Dec 28, 2020开始   167帖子
Aug 03, 2021 at 06:00
croisssan posted:
Also, do not forget that forex can help and lose money. Here everything depends only on the trader himself.

Yes, profit or loss in forex depends upon a trader’s psychology, his willingness to learn and the time he dedicates to practice.
会员从Jul 07, 2021开始   40帖子
Aug 03, 2021 at 07:22
Forex trading can indeed lead to great returns, but it is important to avoid thinking that it is so easy and quick to attain. The truth is that it takes time, plenty of work such as by carrying out careful analyses, and you also need to be responsible in your trading by setting certain limits in terms of risks and money management.
会员从Aug 10, 2021开始   172帖子
Sep 13, 2021 at 01:05
While it is easy to put things on paper and plan while outside the market, getting into the market and implementing your plan really tests your ability and capabilities. Your first plan can be made better if you take market experience into account, since with experience you can overcompensate for any deficiencies.
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