How long it takes to learn

Nov 27, 2020 at 06:17
98 Replies
会员从Aug 05, 2021开始   401帖子
Oct 12, 2021 at 16:58
If you're wondering how much time is required for education before you're ready to open a live account, I'd say that the answer is subjective. Some may learn very quickly and understand all the info, while others may struggle with some of it and have to spend more time on certain subjects. Whenever I got stuck on something, I went to Babypips or YouTube and that seemed to help. It also depends on how much time you devote to learning at a time, as obviously someone that's spending time each day learning would be prepared before someone that only does so once or twice a week.
From that point, there are always new things to learn. I spend my free time looking at strategies, reading articles, talking to other traders on forums like this one. There's always something new to learn and other traders can share valuable information.
会员从Jun 21, 2021开始   24帖子
Oct 13, 2021 at 08:12
As it says, LEARN till you EARN.
会员从Jan 22, 2021开始   125帖子
Oct 13, 2021 at 10:27
Learning is a never ending process.
会员从Aug 21, 2021开始   61帖子
Oct 13, 2021 at 11:28
It totally depends on your dedication and ability to grasp things.
会员从Jul 03, 2021开始   18帖子
Oct 14, 2021 at 04:41
It depends on trader’s ability. I spent 4-6 months on demo account then I went to real trading.
会员从Jun 21, 2021开始   24帖子
Oct 14, 2021 at 08:26
It is a never ending process actually. Even if you become a pro, there'll be still a room for improvement so keep learning and growing.
会员从Jun 14, 2021开始   53帖子
Oct 15, 2021 at 10:49
Never stop learning about forex and trading. It gives an edge to make money while trading forex.
会员从Aug 10, 2021开始   178帖子
Oct 17, 2021 at 01:16
It depends on trader himself how quick he can learn forex . Demo trading is very necessary to get good results in forex when you start real trading.
会员从Jun 17, 2021开始   46帖子
Oct 18, 2021 at 07:14
Learning is an unstoppable process; it applies to forex trading as well. Though you can clear your basics in 2-3 months, creating your own strategies and becoming excellent at analysis is not a matter of months. Once you finish courses and basics, you should start demo trading. You can trade with your money when you start making consistent profits.
会员从Apr 21, 2021开始   12帖子
Oct 18, 2021 at 08:28
You know, you need to learn new all the time. But as for me, bas knowledges are take half a year. Then improve your knowledges all the time.
会员从Aug 05, 2021开始   401帖子
Oct 18, 2021 at 12:49
Agree that it depends on the person. Some may catch on quickly and others may take more time, but I think a lot of people could be good traders if they spend enough time and take in enough information.
会员从Aug 12, 2015开始   40帖子
Oct 18, 2021 at 14:33
Learn what? Anyone can learn the mechanics of trading pretty quickly, and trading a demo account seems to make everyone 'rich' in a short time. Demo accounts are simply lures by the brokers to get you excited about trading by letting you gamble with funny money. You can't learn with a demo account because you don't know the techniques by which the market is manipulated by big banks.

There is a reason why 90% of all small retail traders lose all their money and fail when trading 4x. They begin trading when they learn the basic mechanics, usually by scalping, and using some indicator that doesn't show the future movement of currencies. If trading was easy to learn, and a way to get rich quick, you couldn't get a hamburger at a McDonalds because every teen ager would be a rich trader.

 But it takes work to learn how those big bankers use Fibonacci series math to signal each other on entries and exits and so many other techniques of price action analysis. Like me, you can stumble around for years, picking up bits and pieces of good information while being fleeced by FX gurus who have nothing to teach you but bitter experience. If you see an ad for a FX trainer with a guy in front of a mansion and his Maserati, the chances are the only thing he will teach you is that you picked another loser. Find a good trainer with a good reputation if you want to succeed in becoming a trader. Invest some money in an education on FX. The odds of you learning how to beat this market on your own are daunting.

会员从Jun 21, 2021开始   24帖子
Oct 19, 2021 at 10:09
LyudmilLukanov posted:
It depends on trader’s ability. I spent 6-7 month in demo account then I went to real trading.
6-7 months isn't a short period of time. How are you doing in trading now?
会员从Oct 19, 2021开始   18帖子
Oct 19, 2021 at 11:07
I guess it varies from trader to trader. Some are quick learners while others are don't. I believe proper time should be given to the learning part as it's gonna make you stay for longer in this game.
会员从Feb 08, 2019开始   213帖子
Oct 19, 2021 at 18:31
Don't go live till you make regular money in demo mode
会员从Sep 20, 2019开始   28帖子
Oct 19, 2021 at 18:55
It depends only on you and your cognitive abilities actually. There are plenty of reasons which affect your learning process. The main is how many time do you dedicate to learning trading. I guess that mainly people should dedicate lots of time in order to reach success. Nevertheless, you have to understand that learning means practicing. It will be enough forr you just to read some information about trading activty about various patterns/indicators and figures. Right after you read the information you should find a broker and open a demo account. It's recommended to stay on demo no more than couple of months.
会员从Dec 06, 2019开始   19帖子
Oct 26, 2021 at 14:11
It depends on your abilities actually. Some people can learn trading within couple of days, while for other it may take months and years. There are no complete form of a trader actually. Learning is an inevitable part of trading activity and even professionals find out something new for them in trading actually. It's not surprising because trading activity is variable and diversified. In my opinion, as a rule, learning thoery takes up to couple of days, while practicing may take weeks. As soon as you understand that you can create your personal strategy, then probably you've completed your learning and can start real trading.
会员从May 14, 2019开始   30帖子
Oct 29, 2021 at 09:46
It depends only on you actually. Nobody knows how will it take for you to learn trading activity. I'm sure that ordinary people handle this tak pretty fast, because there is no difficulties actually to learn basic notions in trading activity. Of course, you have to dedicate unparticular amount of time to this process in order to start understand something in trading, nevertheless I'm sure that it will bring its profits. To my mind, traders shouldn't neglect learning process as they always help traders to gain new knowledge and of course experience for further trading. So, never regret the time spent on learning.
会员从Dec 24, 2020开始   5帖子
Oct 30, 2021 at 11:41
When I first time attended forex courses they said minimum 6 months needed but on average 1 year. For me it was needed 1.5 years to start earning profits. And still learning. There is allways something to improve.
会员从Jun 09, 2021开始   44帖子
Nov 02, 2021 at 06:10
Depends on your learning ability and how fast you can grasp the information related to trading. Traders should always concentrate on the process of learning, and remember it is not a one day job, you need to keep on learning on a daily basis. Stay updated and enjoy the trading journey!
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