I love Gold Only

Oct 26, 2016 at 09:02
93 Replies
会员从Mar 14, 2016开始   40帖子
Nov 22, 2016 at 11:19
ProfessorGold posted:
https://www.tradingview.com/chart/XAUUSD/zRFwT6d6-Exit-shorts-Yellen-Sends-a-Message-to-Trump-Hands-Off-Dodd-Fra/ exit your shorts

Not sure of there is a topic on the forum for market signals on Gold. Same as for EURUSD for example. Maybe you can check and open one so we can share there our analysis 😄
会员从Jan 25, 2016开始   39帖子
Nov 22, 2016 at 13:59
holdend posted:
Most of my gold winners were kept open for less than 2 hours so I think intraday trading is a good style for this type of instruments. I also had a successful trade around the elections 😄

Good for you Duncan! Also good idea to open a Gold dedicated topic.
会员从Mar 26, 2015开始   44帖子
Nov 23, 2016 at 12:28
ProfessorGold posted:
https://www.tradingview.com/chart/XAUUSD/zRFwT6d6-Exit-shorts-Yellen-Sends-a-Message-to-Trump-Hands-Off-Dodd-Fra/ exit your shorts

Thanks for the advice Noor!
Trade fast, learn fast, never regret!
会员从Nov 20, 2016开始   12帖子
Nov 27, 2016 at 13:06
I like EURUSD but Gold can be good too. It can trend really well but I find that it can suddenly change direction or break out of a range without any warning. It's not as bad as oil for doing this but it puts me off trading Gold more than I currently do
会员从Aug 29, 2016开始   48帖子
Dec 01, 2016 at 07:31
@Lteep1 (y) bought the dip at 1172 since my last sell leg to 1134 i am feeling 1170 might be enough , lets see how this leg plays for me
会员从Aug 29, 2016开始   48帖子
Dec 01, 2016 at 07:31
@all bought at 1172 lets see
会员从Feb 12, 2016开始   394帖子
Dec 01, 2016 at 15:27
martinkolbe posted:
ProfessorGold posted:
@NEEnah play scalping in it rather then entering long term , short term is clear long term aint clear

Yes, I think this is a good advice at least during this post elections period.

So you guy think it’s good to scalp with Gold at the moment?
Accept the loss as experience
会员从Aug 16, 2011开始   106帖子
Dec 04, 2016 at 08:33

Am not sure if you would all agree, however coming from forex trading with limited success, I have found gold and silver trading to be much easier. Key differences to me were...
1) use longer time frames on charts
2) keep charts simple, and I only use 2 indicators
3) use longer term trend-lines and watch for trend line bounces and breaks

Still there is quite a lot of manipulation going on with gold and silver and you do notice the lower levels of liquidity.

Also keep in mind that gold analysts and commentators out there do not know as much as they indicate they know. There are some saying gold is heading to USD$450 an ounce and others saying USD$5000 an ounce - they are probably both correct, it is all about the timing. Would be very cautious taking any long term long or short position at the moment.

All the best!
会员从Mar 14, 2016开始   36帖子
Dec 05, 2016 at 14:42
@camerongill Maybe that's why it could be better to scalp it, if we cannot be sure in long-term where the gold will go? When it comes to the timeframes, I think they should match the personality rather than the instrument, except of course of some quite illiquid markets.
会员从May 04, 2011开始   7帖子
Dec 05, 2016 at 22:51
Buy Gold!!!
会员从Aug 16, 2011开始   106帖子
Dec 06, 2016 at 08:30
martinkolbe posted:
@camerongill Maybe that's why it could be better to scalp it, if we cannot be sure in long-term where the gold will go? When it comes to the timeframes, I think they should match the personality rather than the instrument, except of course of some quite illiquid markets.

Thanks Martin, I agree.

The other aspect is the crowd mentality and how the majority get it wrong, and less than 20% of traders make money (with a very small percent making good money). One would think that if the majority would determine the trend of the market, however just goes to show that manipulation by central banks and large commercials have a big influence on direction.

I agree that you just have to trade your own system based on your personality - which in turn reflects your level of risk, lot sizes, trading during volatility, timing of trades etc..

I am lucky being in Australia as I am asleep when US session is on, this is where it appears the potential trade setups for the following day are formed.

cheers, Cameron

会员从Aug 29, 2016开始   48帖子
Dec 06, 2016 at 08:44
waiting for buy around 1500 this year
会员从Dec 11, 2015开始   1462帖子
Dec 06, 2016 at 11:18
1500 is very far away from now, do you mean you'll open a long-term position?
会员从Aug 29, 2016开始   48帖子
Dec 06, 2016 at 13:38
@ben08in @camerongill @Charles_F @CliveCampbell @cracker4x @Lteep1 @martinkolbe @NEEnah @mlawson71 @shirley_F @TiffanyK buy 1170 in next 4 hours all in s.l 1167 tp 1179/1185/1190
会员从Aug 29, 2016开始   48帖子
Dec 07, 2016 at 07:12
did any one bought ?? :)
会员从Aug 16, 2011开始   106帖子
Dec 07, 2016 at 07:53
ProfessorGold posted:
@ben08in @camerongill @Charles_F @CliveCampbell @cracker4x @Lteep1 @martinkolbe @NEEnah @mlawson71 @shirley_F @TiffanyK buy 1170 in next 4 hours all in s.l 1167 tp 1179/1185/1190

Thanks ProfessorGold, I only see short term sideways movements in my charts, will watch to see how it plays out. Was going to short silver in the last 8 hours for a quick 15c return, however was too tired to watch it.
cheers, Cameron
会员从Aug 16, 2011开始   106帖子
Dec 07, 2016 at 07:53
ProfessorGold posted:
waiting for buy around 1500 this year

Mate, don't you mean you are waiting to buy in at 1100 this year?
cheers, Cameron
会员从Aug 16, 2011开始   106帖子
Dec 07, 2016 at 11:27
ProfessorGold posted:
did any one bought ?? :)

Nope, I just sold gold for a few pips and got out.
会员从Dec 27, 2016开始   13帖子
Jan 04, 2017 at 08:31
mlawson71 posted:
I like trading Gold too, but some variety apart from Gold is also good.

Please include me in, Gold has a lot of uses. What I love about its uses was it has been part of my trading life. This link:https://www.funds-money.com/gold-valuable-metal/ has a good write-up about the true value of Gold. Impressive!
会员从Oct 13, 2016开始   25帖子
Jan 04, 2017 at 20:11
Does anyone here do well with gold these days?
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