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To learn the art of trading
Sep 15, 2021 at 10:35
会员从Sep 14, 2021开始
MFTrading posted:Michihito posted:
To learn the art of trading, one needs to spend enough time and dedication. Most newbie are not willing to learn deeply. They run for short cut which is not an ideal to be skilled. It takes time to be skilled. Accept this truth and go forward. Best of luck with learning.
You are right. I was able to obtain important results with continuity (40% / month) only after 8 years of work.
That is very good achievable goals, can you share some tips on what should we look for, especially in trading?
会员从Aug 05, 2021开始
Sep 20, 2021 at 14:27
会员从Aug 05, 2021开始
I think a lot of newbies underestimate just how much time and effort go into trading, from learning to getting a strategy and so on. If you don’t have the patience to wait to open a live account when you’re truly prepared, you’re basically bound to lose your deposit. When beginners realize that this isn’t as easy as they thought, most abandon it and believe that trading is just too hard or that it’s a scam.
会员从Mar 19, 2021开始
Sep 21, 2021 at 20:59
会员从Mar 19, 2021开始
I don't know whether we can call forex trading an art, that is a kind of philosophical question. However, I should say for sure, that if you want to be a success in trading, You've got to devote much time and energy to learning and you should also improve your psychological portfolio and self-discipline.
Oct 06, 2021 at 19:55
会员从Aug 05, 2020开始
Every activity requires much time and efforts to amke a person a professional. Trading is not an exception despite of the fact that many people think that professional traders are lazy and do nothing to earn the money. The most interesting thing is that not only knowledge is required but also discipline. So, working on trading results is not just absorbing information and acquiring the skills, but also working on psychology.
会员从Aug 17, 2021开始
Oct 09, 2021 at 18:32
会员从Aug 17, 2021开始
To trade effectively, it's critical to get a forex education. When you first start out, you can open a forex demo account and try out some dry-run trading. It will give you a good technical foundation on the mechanics of making forex trades, as well as help you get used to working with a specific trading platform.
会员从Mar 17, 2021开始
Oct 12, 2021 at 07:12
会员从Mar 17, 2021开始
AliForexTalks posted:
To trade effectively, it's critical to get a forex education. When you first start out, you can open a forex demo account and try out some dry-run trading. It will give you a good technical foundation on the mechanics of making forex trades, as well as help you get used to working with a specific trading platform.
To learn forex, A demo is the best place.
会员从May 07, 2020开始
