Can you leave Forex Trading?

Apr 22, 2020 at 05:54
78 Replies
会员从Apr 28, 2020开始   18帖子
Oct 15, 2021 at 19:34
It depends on the purposes of your leaving. If you understand that you can't handle this activity and you require relaxing, then you can quit forex for some time. After you will return, if everything would be the same bad as it was in the past, then you should leave this activity. In my opinion, traders must qisely understand whether they're susceptible to forex trading or not. Don't regret about missing opportunities it's just a waste of time. I can leave trading in case I would start to understand that I ceased to make results and profits. Then, I perhaps take a break and after it I can quit trading.
会员从Mar 03, 2019开始   57帖子
Oct 21, 2021 at 11:54
I have nearly quit a few times but never had completely. Sometimes i have a break.
会员从Mar 15, 2019开始   82帖子
Oct 24, 2021 at 23:49
Same, had a few breaks, but will never quit. There are always more opportunities around the corner!
All or nothing
会员从May 31, 2021开始   48帖子
Oct 25, 2021 at 16:26
I think if market is giving you what you want, there is no point of leaving till I do not feel that I am financially filled up.
会员从Jun 17, 2021开始   46帖子
Oct 28, 2021 at 04:09
As long as I understand the market and have chances of making money, I am not going to leave forex trading. I can’t say anything about the future but until now, I am having a good time trading and would keep doing it.
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始   751帖子
Oct 28, 2021 at 09:18
That's why trading psychology is very important. We need to know how to control our mind. As market is always moving, it makes people greedy.
会员从Mar 28, 2021开始   617帖子
Nov 06, 2021 at 11:10
Yes emotion and risk management is the most important thing in forex trading but unfortunately most people do not give importance to it.
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始   869帖子
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:18
There are a lot of people quitting the market after losing. But they are missing what they can achieve.
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始   759帖子
Nov 11, 2021 at 13:00
If you don’t want to take risks, I recommend quitting the market. After all, it is a risky market.
会员从Nov 03, 2021开始   53帖子
Nov 17, 2021 at 04:47
Not really. My goal is not to become a billionaire or get rich really soon. I am here because I want to live a better lifestyle without having to work hard day and night just for a few bucks. Forex trading can provide me flexibility to work so I am not going to quit it anytime soon. As I am not keeping any unrealistic expectations, I hope I’ll be able to survive the market because that’s my only goal right now.
会员从Mar 17, 2021开始   536帖子
Nov 18, 2021 at 07:30
pipham posted:
Not really. My goal is not to become a billionaire or get rich really soon. I am here because I want to live a better lifestyle without having to work hard day and night just for a few bucks. Forex trading can provide me flexibility to work so I am not going to quit it anytime soon. As I am not keeping any unrealistic expectations, I hope I’ll be able to survive the market because that’s my only goal right now.
My goal is also same as yours.
会员从Nov 18, 2021开始   2帖子
Nov 18, 2021 at 08:02
Agree with you.
Amytradesforex posted:
UweMoench posted:
That's why trading psychology is very important. We need to know how to control our mind. As market is always moving, it makes people greedy.
After all, forex is all about emotional management and risk management.
会员从Nov 18, 2021开始   2帖子
Nov 18, 2021 at 08:08
lavis_book posted:
I feel like leaving when my system shows losses, well I think every trader feels the same in such a situation. But the reality is that forex is difficult to leave once you get into it.
Agree with you 100%
会员从May 31, 2021开始   48帖子
Nov 18, 2021 at 10:48
Hahaha, this is true dude! And the fact behind is the emotional setbacks. At that moment I just say to myself don't max loss will be SL.
会员从Oct 29, 2021开始   70帖子
Nov 22, 2021 at 05:36
Not really. I want to learn more about Forex trading. One thing that drives me into Forex is that there isn't a single requirement to start trading. You don't need a degree, and you don't need to get approval from your boss. You don't even need to leave the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer or electronic mobile device and internet access. You can start trading Forex whenever you like (and as long as you want).
会员从Jun 19, 2020开始   38帖子
Nov 24, 2021 at 05:54
The ultimate purpose of every forex trader is to make money, if you are doing it then carry on but if you are losing then you need to remind yourself that you didn’t enter the market to go bankrupt. It’s better to move on to something else which suits you instead of trading only to lose your money.
Most of the traders who don’t leave the market even after losses are stuck in what ifs. In their fear of missing out, they end up failing miserably.
会员从Jun 07, 2021开始   72帖子
Dec 02, 2021 at 04:27
Forex trading becomes more tempting once you get the hang of it. It’s fun and comes with perks that a regular job can’t help you accomplish. Feel proud to be a trader:)
会员从Apr 09, 2019开始   538帖子
Dec 02, 2021 at 10:36
I think it depends if your relationship with forex is toxic or not. If you trade well and are making a profit then the chances are you have your trading nailed down strategically and mentally. If you are pining for that 'but I might make a profit' when evidence tells you that you aren't close to it and you can't take the steps to go back and try on demo or reduce your capital then there is no difference from this and a gambling addiction. If you appreciate it as a process and can make the decisions needed to last long term or do what is best for your own health then walking away or sticking with it aren't a prpblem. Trading requires one to really have a finely tuned sense of self awareness.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始   399帖子
Dec 02, 2021 at 14:59
sebking1986 posted:
I think it depends if your relationship with forex is toxic or not. If you trade well and are making a profit then the chances are you have your trading nailed down strategically and mentally. If you are pining for that 'but I might make a profit' when evidence tells you that you aren't close to it and you can't take the steps to go back and try on demo or reduce your capital then there is no difference from this and a gambling addiction. If you appreciate it as a process and can make the decisions needed to last long term or do what is best for your own health then walking away or sticking with it aren't a prpblem. Trading requires one to really have a finely tuned sense of self awareness.

Very true, like some treat this like a bit of fun and risk too much. Mark Douglas always says if you want to do that Vegas is more fun lol. Forex has to be treated like a business and proper risk. It has to be boring so the true reason your trading is to be successful and not for fun
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