Commission fees spread

Dec 24, 2022 at 06:24
7 Replies
会员从Dec 24, 2022开始   4帖子
Dec 24, 2022 at 06:24
Hello to all of you,

I've been trading crypto for a few years, mainly in scalping. It works pretty well for me since I've been living from trading for almost 5 years.

I've been interested in Forex for a few months now and I've been reading a lot.

I created a demo account and it works well too, nice gains (of course a little false since it does not take into account the fees)

I want to move to a real account but I have some questions about fees, ...
I have contacted a few brokers but I have the impression that the answer is not complete.

I have contacted blueberrymarkets and they tell me that they charge $7 per $100,000 of position. Is this correct?
Regarding the spread, I could not get a clear answer from them.
Do I have to pay the spread in addition to the $7 per $100,000?

Is there a difference in fees (more expensive or cheaper) if I take a market position?

Do all brokers work the same way?

Which one do you recommend to start? I would like to put 1.000$ and possibility of leverage 50 or 100. I trade in crypto with leverage 50.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

会员从Aug 05, 2021开始   394帖子
Dec 26, 2022 at 15:31
They wouldn't give you any information about their spreads? I can't say much about blueberry markets as I've never used them personally.
I trade with CedarFX, they don't charge commission and only have spreads (which are relatively low), so I suppose it could be said that it's easier to track those costs without having to keep up with both.
会员从Dec 24, 2022开始   4帖子
Dec 27, 2022 at 07:44
Thanks. I will check.

Have a good day
会员从May 05, 2022开始   19帖子
Dec 27, 2022 at 10:57
Hello! I have been with CDO Markets for quite some time now. You might want to start with an ECN account. Their spreads are low and the commission is like $4.
会员从Dec 24, 2022开始   4帖子
Dec 27, 2022 at 12:01
Thanks for your answer.

What is the point of paying $4 per trade if there is still a spread.

And above all, what difference in spread is there between the account where I pay the $4 and the one where I don't?

Thank you
会员从Aug 02, 2022开始   22帖子
Dec 29, 2022 at 11:06
I don’t know much about them sorry, but you can also consider other brokers who charge lower commissions.
fxview- $1/100k per side
fxtm- $2/100k per side
会员从Dec 24, 2022开始   4帖子
Dec 29, 2022 at 15:31
Thanks. I will check
会员从Aug 02, 2022开始   22帖子
Dec 30, 2022 at 09:12
Wagscd posted:
Thanks. I will check

You are welcome :)
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