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How long on a demo account
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
Nov 24, 2020 at 10:30
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
Demo is the most decent way of learning Forex trading, but I also use back testing feature of Mt4 trading platform. Yes, no doubt demo is useful, but it’s a slow process! Besides, back testing is quick process! I used back testing after practicing my demo for 5 months.
keeping patience.......
会员从Aug 17, 2020开始
Jan 11, 2021 at 07:42
会员从Mar 12, 2018开始
Hello, I live in the United States. It seems as though we have few Forex brokers here and it also seems that most overseas brokers won't serve U.S. citizens. I would need a broker that will allow me to have a demo account without a time limit and that that demo account would allow full use of the MT4 trading platform. The first broker I had would only allow 1 month and the demo account did not seem to have the full use of the trading platform. Can anyone recommend a could broker for a novice trader like myself?
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始
Mar 08, 2021 at 10:57
会员从Dec 28, 2020开始
Sarjohn posted:Fx_howie posted:Sarjohn posted:
I use demo account for more than 6 months to practice trade but even after opening live account I still use demo account for testing new strategies.
I also do the same.
Good to know that.
Also, how long you have started live trading?
Mar 10, 2021 at 07:55
会员从Aug 11, 2017开始
I would recommend demo trading for all newbie but as an old trader I get bored of the demo sometimes and I’ve not look back since cause I can use mini account to trade and practice but i no longer need to practice since I have gained a lot of experience in the real market since then so I do not use demo cause its kind of boning but newbie should never pass up that chance because it will help them out significantly to gain more experiences and knowledge and to make mistakes as well. We all need to pass up all of those mistakes with fake virtual money rather than real money for sure.
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
Mar 10, 2021 at 09:40
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
Demo is the most decent way of learning Forex trading, but I also use back testing feature of Mt4 trading platform. Yes, no doubt demo is useful, but it’s a slow process! Besides, back testing is quick process! I used back testing after practicing my demo for 5 months.
keeping patience.......
会员从Jul 23, 2020开始